Когда парень становится мужчиной: Мужской взгляд: когда ПАРЕНЬ становится МУЖЧИНОЙ
Мужской взгляд: когда ПАРЕНЬ становится МУЖЧИНОЙ
Экология жизни. Люди: Ведь дело не в словах и даже не в количестве женщин, с которыми он переспал. Дело в другом. Стереотипы…
Ведь дело не в словах и даже не в количестве женщин, с которыми он переспал. Дело в другом. Стереотипы. Нам с ранних лет навязывают, что мужчина должен быть сильным и принципиальным. Но. Эти простые вещи делают нас сложными. Неправильное толкование. Сейчас стало актуально ударить свою женщину, обидеть и показывать, как тебе на нее наплевать, но это не сила.
Это, скорее, безвольность. Так же, как и принципы. Быть принципиальным — не значит неделями молчать и ждать, пока она сделает шаг навстречу, а затем еще время таить обиду. Это женственность. В то время как принципиально — никогда не опаздывать, сдерживать свое слово и быть, а не казаться.
фото из сериала «Форс-мажоры»
Мужская сила — это закрыть своим верным плечом ее хрупкие объятия. Не словом, а поступком доказывать, как нуждаешься в ней. Быть ее улыбкой. И никогда не становиться причиной ее слез. Мужской характер — это не ударить кулаком по столу и крикнуть — Я так сказал! Наоборот. Спокойно объяснить и с пониманием выслушать. Не обижаться, но и не давать в обиду. Быть надежным и прощать, но не позволять этим пользоваться. Выносить уроки из жизни и учить этому других.
Красота парня — красивые кеды, модная прическа. Красота мужчины — прямая и ровная осанка. Чувствуете разницу?
Парень становится мужчиной — когда перестает быть ребенком. И ищет себе не мамочку или очередную девочку, а женщину. Одну и на всю жизнь. Когда перестает быть эгоистом и готов пойти на уступки. Когда понимает, что мода — это быть собой. Быть уверенным, спокойным. С коротким языком и длинными руками. Всегда сдерживать слово. Ну и еще, конечно, ровная осанка…опубликовано econet.ru
фото из сериала «Форс-мажоры»
Автор: Вячеслав Прах
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Когда парень становится мужчиной?
Ведь дело не в словах и даже не в количестве женщин с которыми он переспал. Дело в другом. Стереотипы. Нам с ранних лет навязывают, что мужчина должен быть сильным и принципиальным. Но. Эти простые вещи делают нас сложными. Неправильное толкование. Сейчас стало актуально ударить свою женщину, обидеть и показывать как тебе на нее наплевать, но это не сила. Это скорее без вольность.
Также как и принципы. Быть принципиальным — не значит неделями молчать и ждать пока она сделает шаг навстречу, а затем еще время таить обиду. Это женственность. В то время как, принципиально — никогда не опаздывать, сдерживать свое слово и быть, а не казаться.
Мужская сила — это закрыть своим верным плечом ее хрупкие объятия. Не словом, а поступком доказывать как нуждаешься в ней. Быть ее улыбкой. И никогда не становится причиной ее слез. Мужской характер — это не ударить кулаком по столу и крикнуть — Я так сказал! Наоборот. спокойно объяснить и с пониманием выслушать. Не обижаться, но и не давать в обиду. Быть надежным и прощать, но не позволять этим пользоваться. Выносить уроки из жизни и учить этому других.
Красота парня — красивые кеды, модная прическа. Красота мужчины — прямая и ровная осанка. Чувствуете разницу?
Парень становится мужчиной — когда перестает быть ребенком. И ищет себе не мамочку или очередную девочку, а женщину. одну и на всю жизнь. Когда перестает быть эгоистом и готов пойти на уступки. Когда понимает, что мода — это быть собой. Быть уверенным, спокойным. С коротким языком и длинными руками. Всегда сдерживать слово. Ну и еще, конечно, ровная осанка…
Автор: Вячеслав Прах
Друзья, поддержите нашу группу в Фейсбуке. Поделитесь этим постом с друзьями или нажмите кнопку «Мне нравится!» и Вы всегда будете в курсе свежих новостей «Капризульки»!
Для вас мы собираем лучшие материалы со всего интернета из мира красивых, энергичных, веселых и здоровых людей — таких как мы с вами!
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caprizulka.ru according to the materials
Мой мир
В Ведах говорится, в частности в Шримад-Бхагаватам, мальчики воспитывались и обучались в доме учителя. Учитель обучал мальчиков в соответствии с их склонностями, раскрывая их таланты. И также у самого учителя не было вредных привычек. Это очень важно! Дети часто копируют поведение старших. Ребёнку давали нужный багаж знаний и навыков. Мужчин воспитывали мужчины! Брэд Питт как-то с сожалением сказал: «наше поколение — это поколение мужчин, которых воспитали женщины».
Мальчики до 20 -25 лет жили в доме учителя, и должны были научится стать счастливыми. Они жили в достаточно скромных, но не в жестоких условиях. Позже они женились, и легко могли жить в роскоши, или продолжать жить в скромных условиях, так как не были избалованы, они были к тому времени настоящими мужчинами. Когда мальчик научился стать счастливым, то мог сделать счастливой жену, потом счастливым одного своего ребёнка, второго и т.д. В современном обществе почти нет таких школ, так что родители должны позаботиться, чтобы мальчик был окружён успешными и ответственными мужчинами с высокими моральными убеждениями. Тогда есть шанс! В Махабхарате говорится о правильном подходе ответственного мужчины — в начале мужчина находил страну с хорошим царём (правительством), потом зарабатывал богатство (причём в хорошем государстве мужчина мог надеяться за пять — десять лет сколотить капитал), потом находил в этой стране жену, потом заводил детей. Не находите, что в наше время всё начинается в обратном порядке:( В этом кроится одна из проблем современного общества! Юноша может оставаться там, где он родился и вырос, если у него есть возможность зарабатывать, и откладывать деньги.
Сильный мужчина — это тот, мужчина, который может противостоять своим вредным привычкам, таким как курение, алкоголь, наркотики и блуд. В противном случае он раб своих страстей. Мужчина даёт своей жене физическую защиту, которая состоит из пяти вещей: дом, одежда, пища, украшения и дети. Он находит решения, он не упрекает жену, не смеётся над ней, а вдохновляет. Помогает эмоционально, переваривает женские эмоции, особенно беспокойные, нормально реагирует и успокаивает. Мужчина даёт жене точку опоры ,он её защита и женщина может проявить свою энергию, она может действовать и проявлять творчество. Она знает, что муж направит, поможет, успокоит и защитит. Рядом с таким мужчиной ЛЮБАЯ женщина успокоится и будет счастлива. Мужчина не боится правды о себе и не спешит «рубить» правдой других, он ценит отношения, дружбу и любовь…
Этапы мужского «взросления»
Когда мужчины хотят быть мужчинами, они стараются в первую очередь быть НЕ женщинами, что зачастую вырастает в целый психологический комплекс, выражающийся в презрении и ненависти ко всему женскому полу. А ведь на самом деле, недостаточность мужского заложена не в женственности, а в незрелости. Развитый физически, но не повзрослевший психологически мужчина — вот главный парадокс. Мужчина не тот, у кого яйца, а тот, кто возмужал, все остальное – игра в псевдо-мужество.
Мужчина становится мужчиной только в непосредственном присутствии женщины, именно, когда он находится в отношениях — только там самым быстрым способом проявляются его дары, таланты, возможности и ложные восприятия и незнания себя. Женщина – его зеркало, мотивация и конечный показатель мужественности.
Но современная потеря связи с мудростью отцов привела к нарушению нормального взросления мужчин. В мире, который выстраивают взрослые «мальчики» женщинам совершенно не уютно — ведь там совершенно не учитываются их интересы. Мужчина-ребенок без навыка общения с женским началом чувствует в нем угрозу и стремится его подавить. Одни идут по пути насилия, пытаясь всячески опустить женщину, другие ведут себя, как испорченные дети, манипулируют, требуют повышенного внимания, игрушек, скандалят, если что-то не так.
На минутку заберите у такого «мальчика» (любого возраста) все его окружение, деньги и игрушки, за которыми он прячется — поставьте в лицом к лицу с какой-нибудь проблемной ситуацией — и вот тут все проявится, ему захочется сразу за что-нибудь спрятаться.
Так что же значит истинный мужчина? Все просто — порог мужественности там, где мальчик начинает отдавать больше, чем потреблять. Собственно, такой же порог и для перехода во взросление.
Первым шагом должен быть возврат к женскому началу, принятие «женщины в себе», то есть таких качеств как мягкость, забота, смирение, мудрость, чутье. Только через принятие женщины в себе, можно научиться уважению женского начала извне. Когда мужчина начинает это осознавать и ценить, то сами собой проявляются мужские качества – желание защитить, взрастить, предоставить опору. Шкалу своей мужественности можно проверить элементарно — по малейшим изменениям в поведении женщины. Ведешь себя пафосно, вычурно, показушно — и видишь в ответ ироничную (чуть ли не материнскую) улыбку. Поступил мудро — глаза женщины светятся благодарностью и уважением. Бездарно просир…шь время и силы — в ее движениях появляется резкость и беспокойство. Когда мастерски решаешь какую-то сложную ситуацию, достигаешь успеха, женщина становится мягкой, покорной и чертовски сексуальной. Причем! Настоящая женщина даже не думает — у нее это происходит бессознательно и спонтанно, а у хитрой — это выглядит, как манипуляция и желание добиться определенного результата.
В надежности мужского внимания и заботы, женщина сможет расслабиться, расцвести и наполнить мир тем, ради чего она создана – жизнью и любовью, но не он и не она друг без друга не смогут — это должно происходить одновременно и ступенчато…
Жизнь каждого мужчины — это героический путь, который он начинает маленьким мальчиком и может закончить зрелым мужчиной, осознающим свою целостность и ценность. Но на этом пути необходимо пройти 5 основных этапов развития психики.
1 этап. Избавление от материнского комплекса
Думаю, что нет ни одного сына, который, становясь мужчиной, не порвал бы на какое-то время отношений с матерью. Оставшись с ней, сын никогда не избавится от материнского комплекса. Сыну необходимо прислушаться к своему собственному голосу и позволить ему быть громче голоса матери. Часто мать делает всё, чтобы удержать его. Например, внушает идею преданности себе, но если эта идея завладеет сыном полностью, всё закончится тем, что мужское начало серьёзно пострадает.
Будущий мужчина должен этого избежать и покинуть мать, даже если в какой-то момент такой поступок покажется предательством. Мать же должна перенести эту боль. Однако позже сын, может вернуться, чтобы установить с матерью отношения совершенно иного уровня. Но это произойдет лишь после того, как сын самостоятельно обретет независимость и научится устанавливать здоровые эмоциональные отношения с другими людьми.
Часто материнский комплекс усиленно поддерживается со стороны матери, которая не понимает, что значит быть просто женщиной, личностью, ибо никогда не ощущала себя таковой — только матерью. Для неё снятие роли означает психологическую смерть, поэтому она всеми силами цепляется за сына как за единственный смысл жизни. В такой ситуации для сына избавление от материнского комплекса становится основополагающей задачей, без решения которой невозможно его полноценное развитие как мужчины.
2 этап. Овладение своей агрессией
Это время превращения подростка в мужчину. Агрессия, сила инстинкта, огромная мужская энергия, просыпающаяся в душе мальчика должна укрепить его эго. В дальнейшем, эта энергия потребуется на всём пути становления, поэтому так важно научиться правильно ей пользоваться. Если мужчина не отличается особой мудростью, он будет расплёскивать эту энергию всю свою жизнь, проявляя подростковое стремление к конкуренции во всём, чем бы он ни занимался.
Другой вариант неверного обращения с агрессией — её подавление. Это часто происходит под влиянием материнских установок о недопустимости проявления мужчиной агрессии.
Чтобы мальчик превратился в мужчину, он должен уметь овладеть своей собственной агрессией. Он не может стать мужчиной, не понимая, что значит быть агрессивным, но это должна быть агрессия, управляемая в соответствии с его сознательной установкой. Если он окажется под властью собственной ярости и стремления к насилию, это может его разрушить. Поэтому каждый мальчик на своем пути к зрелому мужчине должен научиться владеть своей агрессией, стремлением к насилию и уметь интегрировать эту грозную часть в целостную, осознающую себя личность.
Смелый взгляд на свою агрессивную часть, не затуманенный чужими установками, позволяет признать её негативную, потенциально деструктивную часть. Эго юноши оказывается перед необходимостью стать настолько сильным, чтобы совладать с собственной яростью и сознательно использовать содержащуюся в ней энергию для преодоления препятствий, стоящих на пути к достижению целей.
Первый бой, который должен выдержать мальчик — это внутренний бой с собственной тенью, в которой сосредоточена подавленная агрессия и потенциальная сила. В то же время очень немногим мальчикам удается одержать победу только во внутреннем поединке. Для укрепления мужского начала часто необходимо наличие и преодоление внешних препятствий, мобилизующих волю и утверждающих идентичность.
3 этап. Обретение собственного образа мужественности
Мужественность, которую в начале своего пути проявляет мальчик, переходит к нему от отца. Желая походить на мужчину, сын пытается поступать, как отец, но выходит жалкая имитация. На этом этапе происходит формирование собственного осознанного отношения к мужественности, которое отличается от отцовского. Только в таком случае мальчик сможет присвоить себе мужественность, которая будет постоянно ему сопутствовать и служить опорой всю жизнь. Для успешного прохождения этого этапа может потребоваться другой отец, к примеру, духовный или крёстный.
Суть этого этапа в получении благословения на собственную жизнь от отца, освобождение от влияния отца или брата. По мере взросления юноше следует уйти из семьи, вступив в борьбу за свою свободу с каждым членом собственной семьи или с кем-то другим, если этот кто-то заменяет в таком поединке отца или брата.
Если на работе у мужчины возникает внезапный конфликт, он часто свидетельствует о том, что еще существуют эмоционально напряженные отношения с отцом или братом, несмотря на то, что подростковый возраст остался далеко позади.
4 этап. Установления контакта с внутренней женщиной
Как уже говорилось ранее, очень немногие мужчины достаточно осведомлены о внутренней женской компоненте своей души, ещё меньше — о контакте с ней. Стремление мужчины к внутреннему развитию помогает ему распознать эту свою часть, но кроме этого, мужчине следует научиться не поддаваться настроению и эмоциональному состоянию и не потакать собственным прихотям.
Главный шаг на этом этапе — научиться вступать в контакт со своим женским аспектом, видеть в нем компаньона, союзника, а не врага. Принятие наполняет жизнь мужчины теплом и силой, враждебное отношение порождает конфликты в отношениях с женским полом вообще.
5 этап. Осознание собственного смысла жизни
Этап, на котором у мужчины уже есть необходимые ресурсы и силы для ответа на главный вопрос его жизни. Это момент осознания того, что мужчина уникален в своих поисках и способах самореализации. Энергичный мужчина прекращает активную деятельность во внешнем мире и на время уходит в себя. Это время достижения зрелости мужской психики.
90000 Becoming a Man: 4 Steps That Every Guy Should Take 90001
90002 Becoming a man is either going to be a very exciting and rewarding process for a guy to go through, or it’s going to be a nightmare full of rejection, heartache and confusion. 90003
90002 If you are still in the process of becoming a man, here are 4 things that you must master before you will feel like you’ve made it to manhood: 90003
90002 90007 1. Get clear on your true identity as a man. 90008 90003
90002 Some guys never become a real man because they never get clear on their true identity.90003
90002 For example: A guy will present himself to the world as a nice, friendly guy and hope that people like him for it, his boss promotes him because of it and women want to be have sex with him because it. 90003
90002 Yet, who he really is deep down is a good guy who yearns to more assertive and to be respected and looked up to by people. 90003
90002 Rather than becoming a real man by rising up to that level of being, he will continue to be a passive nice guy and hope that people take pity on him, feel sorry for him, etc.90003
90002 Secretly, he will fall asleep at night feeling angry about how people do not respect him and women do not seem to like him. He will often imagine himself taking out revenge of people and finally getting the respect that he feels he deserves. 90003
90002 Yet, the world does not bow down to passive nice guys or hand success or sex to them for being nice. If you want to be respected for being the good guy that you are, you have to command that respect. 90003
90002 A big part of becoming a man is getting rid of the nice guy act that would have worked for you as a child.As a boy, you would have been treated well and given treats for being nice, but that does not work as an adult. 90003
90002 90007 2. Have a huge purpose in life. 90008 90003
90002 If a guy does not have a huge purpose in life and is not really aiming for anything in particular, other than the basics (eg get a woman, get a house, settle down and then die), he will naturally be susceptible to depression. 90003
90002 To be what people refer to as a real man, you’ve got to have a huge purpose in life that you are aiming for and will stop at nothing to achieve.Another way of saying purpose is to refer to it as having big dreams and ambitions that stretch out as far as you can imagine. 90003
90002 90007 3. Have your choice with women, rather than taking whatever you can get. 90008 90003
90002 Most guys do not grow up with a male role model who can teach them how to attract women, so a lot of guys grow up feeling desperate to get pretty much any girl that they can find. 90003
90002 Rather than having his choice of women and having the power to choose a truly compatible woman for him, a guy will accept whatever he can get with women and then try to make it work.90003
90002 Based on this, it’s no surprise that the divorce rate it so high these days. In the past, a woman had to stay with a man for life, even if she was unhappy or if they were incompatible. 90003
90002 Yet, in today’s world, a woman can break up with a guy or divorce a man whenever she pleases. So, rather than being a beggar with women and working your ass off to hopefully get one girl to like you, be a man about it and learn how to attract women so you can have your choice of women. 90003
90002 Watch this video to understand how a woman’s attraction for a man works and how you can use it to have your choice with women … 90003
90002 90047 90048 90003
90002 90007 4.Be the type of man that your woman and other people can look up to and respect. 90008 90003
90002 If a guy is looked down on, picked on or disrespected by women and people in general, then he’s not what is referred to as a real man. 90003
90002 To be what people refer to as a real man, you’ve got to be the sort of man who others can look up to and respect. It does not matter if you’re 18 or 58; the same rule applies. It also does not matter if you’re aiming to pick up women or keep a relationship with a woman together for life; the same rule applies.90003
90002 To be what people refer to as a real man, you’ve got to be the sort of man that others can look up to and rely on to «be the man» no matter how challenging life gets. 90003
90060 A Lack of Male Role Models 90061
90002 In today’s world, many guys grow up without the perfect male role model to show them how to be a successful modern man. With no one else to turn to, guys often look to TV shows, movies and even the lyrics of songs for the answers. 90003
90002 Yet, what many of these guys do not realize is that the scenes played out in TV sitcoms and movies are designed to entertain an audience, not educate them.Without this awareness, many modern men copy the often foolish behavior of men on TV and in the movies. 90003
90002 A classic example is where the nervous, shy, «loveable loser» guy in a TV show or movie will stumble and make all sorts of mistakes around a woman. He will be madly in love with her, but she will initially reject him. Eventually, he’ll «save the day» or do something amazing to impress her and then she’ll give him a chance. 90003
90002 This is entertaining for some people to watch, but it’s not how things play out in the real world.In the real world, women are attracted to the emotional strength in men, not the weakness. 90003
90002 So, when a women meets a shy, nervous guy who is hoping to get a chance with her, she does not think, 90071 «Hmmm … he could probably save the day or save the world like one of those loveable losers from the movies. » 90072 90003
90002 Instead, she simply does not feel any attraction for him and rejects him. 90003
90060 A Poetic Look at Becoming a Man 90061
90002 «If» is the title of a famous poem by Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) about becoming and being a man.You may have studied it at school, but if you’re not familiar with it, here’s the opening line … 90003
90080 90002 «If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you.» 90003 90083
90002 Kipling then expands with another confusing 30 or so lines of thought provoking «ifs» to ponder over before getting to the last line … 90003
90002 90071 «Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it, and — which is more — you’ll be a Man, my son!» 90072 90003
90002 It’s a pretty big lists of «ifs» and fairly confusing to read.Really, it’s enough to put most guys off the idea of being a man because it all sounds too hard. 90003
90002 Here’s the full poem to show you what I mean … 90003
90002 90095 90003
90002 Confused by that wording? Me too. 90003
90002 The above poem is a sum total of Kipling’s thoughts on becoming a man and what it takes to be able to call yourself a real man. I’m sure he meant well, but in my opinion, that is a bit too intense for today’s world. 90003
90002 These days, people have realized that we do not need to be so serious and nit-picky about everything because nobody is perfect.90003
90002 Kipling seems to make it out as though unless you do all of those things, you will be a failure as a man. 90003
90002 I feel sorry for the guy and would love to back in time and tell him, 90071 «Hey Rudyard — everything will be okay mate. Just be a good man, be emotionally strong and go after your goals and dreams. No-one really cares if you make some mistakes along the way, so do not waste anymore time trying to think about how to be perfect. Life does not have to be that complicated mate.Smile and get on with living your life, rather than feeling like you’re inadequate unless you do all of those things. » 90072 90003
90002 When people are on their death bed (i.e. they are just about to die), they are often quoted as saying they wished that they had not worried so much about what people thought of them. Right at the moment when their life in this world is about to come to an end, they finally realize that it really does not matter. 90003
90002 As long as you are a good person, following through on your goals and being a man of integrity, you’ve got nothing to worry about.Push forward towards your goals and go after what you want in life, rather than worrying what others might think. 90003
90002 Be the man that you want to be, based on your current understanding of the world, but just know that your perspective will most-likely change as you get older … 90003
90060 Getting Wiser With Age 90061
90002 Personally speaking, I’m just about to turn 38 years old and when I was 22, I thought I had the whole damn world figured out. 90003
90002 I looked at how other people lived their lives and from my 22 year old perspective, I thought that some of them were so naïve and blind.Yet, as I gained more experience as a man, I eventually realized why people think, behave and act in certain ways. 90003
90002 Nowadays, I love and accept people for who they are and understand that, although they might not think exactly the same way as I do, they are going through their own journey of life in their own way … and that is okay. 90003
90002 Many years ago, I realized that a big part of becoming a man is learning to love and accept yourself, as well as love and accept others. In this life, You can not make everyone think like you do or obey your commands, so do not stress out about that.We’re all different and that’s okay. 90003
90002 As long as you are actively rising through the levels of your true potential as a man, you will be feeling increasingly happy and fulfilled and you will also garner the respect and admiration of those around you. 90003
90002 You will also be the sort of man that women want to align themselves with because you have the courage to rise up in a world were so many other men cower and hide from their true potential. 90003
90002 Becoming a man is an exciting, rewarding and fulfilling lifelong process of learning and development.Only the guys who are willing to keep on learning and developing will have what it takes to realise their full potential as a man. 90003
90002 If a guy gets stuck at a certain level of life and then gives up on becoming the man that he knows he could be, it will not be something that he can escape. The sadness of never reaching his true potential as a man will always be there in the back of his mind. 90003
90002 He will know that he is hiding from his true potential, but if he never works out how to get past that and reach the next level of life, he will always feel depressed, frustrated and confused about life and what he should be doing to feel happy and fulfilled.90003
90002 Let’s face it, life can be very challenging at times, but it’s the way a guy chooses to deal with those challenges that eventually separates the men from the boys. 90003
90002 As Ben from The Modern Man has often said when we’ve discussed this topic, 90071 «Apart from experiencing bad luck, where people are at in their life is usually a sum total of all the choices they’ve made to get to that point. Successful people consistently make good choices and keep pushing forward if some of their choices do not work out.»90072 90003
90002 Being a successful man is not about being a man who «wins» at everything and it’s not about always being right about everything either. 90003
90002 Instead, it’s about being a man who always gives it his best shot and knows that everything does not always go to plan. Sometimes, plans work out perfectly, but if he tries and makes a mistake or fails, he sees it as a lesson and then learns, improves and tries again until he gets it right. 90003
90002 As the legendary basketball coach John Wooden once said, 90071 «If you’re not making mistakes, then you’re not doing anything.I’m positive that a doer makes mistakes. » 90072 90003
90060 Becoming a Man Who Naturally Attracts Women 90061
90002 Being successful with women is one of the most important goals that guys have in life. Without women, life is pretty shit, to put it bluntly. 90003
90002 When you are loved, wanted and respected by women, life feels awesome. 90003
90002 So, if you have yet to reach that point in your life where you naturally attract women, it might because you’re making one or more of the following mistakes … 90003
90002 90158 90048 90003
90002 As you will discover from the video above, it is possible for you (yes you) to naturally attract the women you meet and then deepen a woman’s respect, love and attraction for you in a relationship.90003
90002 90003
90002 Free video reveals how ordinary guys get laid or get a girlfriend by using a simple approach that works instantly on all kinds of women … 90003
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90060 You are about to discover my personal secret for success with women.This FREE video will BLOW YOUR MIND (I promise!) 90061
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.90000 40 Male Body Language Signs That A Guy Is Interested 【2020】 90001
90002 It can be difficult for a girl to discern that he’s truly interested in a guy, as often their gazes will check them out regardless of whether they’re available or not. But it’s possible for you to examine the body language of men to see if they’re interested in you or not. There are many ways to interpret a guy’s body language to your benefit, which can lead you to asking him if he wants to hang out sometime.90003
90004 Here are 40 signs of male attraction 90005
90002 90007 # 1. He smiles only at you. 90008 90003
90002 Does that one guy only smile at you but when some other woman says hi to him he does not smile back? Chances are that he is interested in you. 90003
90002 90007 # 2. Plenty of eye contact. 90008 90003
90002 If he’s truly interested in you, he’ll maintain plenty of eye contact with you. It can be even more important if he actually gives you a big grin at the same time. 90003
90002 90007 # 3.He is directly facing you. 90008 90003
90002 Not only are his shoulders directly in line with yours, but his knees and his feet are also directly facing you. This is a more intimate pose that shows he wants to get closer to the girl. 90003
90002 90007 # 4. He laughs at what you say. 90008 90003
90002 Even when you are saying silly things or making bad jokes he may also be laughing with you. 90003
90002 90007 # 5. His voice gets louder. 90008 90003
90002 If he suddenly notices you’re within speaking distance, does he suddenly turn towards you and raise his voice to ensure that you’ll hear what he has to say? 90003
90002 90007 # 6.He straightens his shirt or combs his hair. 90008 90003
90002 Does he do a quick grooming when he sees you enter the room? Does he run his comb through his hair, brush his clothes down, or straighten his shirt? He was not concerned with the people he was with, but now he’s concerned because you entered the room. This is a clue worth noting. 90003
90002 90007 # 7. He shows off on the sports field. 90008 90003
90002 After he sees you walk into the stands or near the games table does he suddenly start showing off how hard he can throw a ball, toss a dart, or sink that ball? When he steps up his game it may be because he wants you to notice him.90003
90002 90007 # 8. His body language will become more positive. 90008 90003
90002 90053 90003
90002 Was he slouching when you first entered the room? Perhaps his head was drooping. And then you entered the room and he lifted his head up and assumed a more positive body language pose. This is a clear sign that he’s happy to see you. 90003
90002 90007 # 9. He does not flinch when you touch him. 90008 90003
90002 Some guys flinch when you brush against them or touch them, because they do not really want to be touched at all, or they’re uncertain of you.They may even think of you like a sister and feel uncomfortable touching you at all. But if a guy responds positively, then you know that he at least likes you. 90003
90002 90007 # 10. He’ll assume a masculine standing position. 90008 90003
90002 This is a unique position that women do not normally do. It’s often unintentional on the part of the man. Does he stand up taller, pushing his chest out, while holding in his stomach to impress you? It’s also important to note if he does it immediately after noticing you, and does he do it each time that he sees you? 90003
90002 90007 # 11.He has an alert expression on his face. 90008 90003
90002 Does it appear that every time he makes a comment, or asks a question, that it appears he is genuinely waiting for a response to your answer with an expectant expression on his face? 90003
90002 90007 # 12. He is suddenly nervous when you say hi to him. 90008 90003
90002 Was he smiling and having a good time with his buds until you walked up? And now his face is red and he is mumbling and dropping his pen? Chances are he is worried about making a good impression around you.90003
90002 90007 # 13. He never turns his back on you. 90008 90003
90002 When a guy is interested, you’ll be the focus of his attention when you’re in the same room together. You’ll never catch his attention lapsing, and he will not turn away from you until he has to say goodbye. 90003
90002 90007 # 14. You’ve caught him staring at you. 90008 90003
90002 Have you noticed one guy who stares at you, but when he sees you noticing him, he turns away? Then when you turn to look at him later, he’s already staring back at you? If it happens more than once, there’s a good reason for it and most likely he likes you.90003
90002 90007 # 15. He appreciates your appearance. 90008 90003
90002 Besides saying how nice you look today, he’ll nod at your appearance and smile. He may nod at a particular jacket or accessory you are wearing. 90003
90002 90007 # 16. Eyebrow raising. 90008 90003
90002 Men have to intentionally make their eyebrows raise up in response to something you said. This can indicate interest in what you’re saying. It can also be a friendly reaction, so you’ll have to add it to the list of potential romantic male body language clues.90003
90002 90007 # 17. He’ll put the devices away. 90008 90003
90002 When you’re walking up to him he’ll make a conscious effort to put the cellphone away, and it’ll stay put away until you’ve finished chatting. 90003
90002 90007 # 18. He assumes a submissive pose. 90008 90003
90002 Was he acting all rowdy with his friends until he saw you walk past? Then he assumed a more submissive pose so as not to freak you out. Then he’s back to normal once you leave the room.90003
90002 90007 # 19. He is always hanging around you. 90008 90003
90002 It’s a big room and he could hang out with his friends, but instead, he’s always hanging around within a few feet of you. Chances are that he’s interested in you and wants every opportunity to talk to you. 90003
90002 90007 # 20. He is protective of you. 90008 90003
90002 When you walk through a crowd of people does he guide you and gently push people out of the way? 90003
90002 90007 # 21. He actually touches you.90008 90003
90002 Hopefully it will be respectful touching, otherwise you have another issue on your hands, but does he tap your hand or gently touch your arm or give you a hug? These physical indications are letting you know that he obviously likes you. 90003
90002 90007 # 22. He frowns when you chat with some other guy. 90008 90003
90002 Does he have an annoyed expression on his face when you are talking with some other guy? Does he place his arms on his hips in a threatening pose? Chances are that he is jealous of that other guy.90003
90002 90007 # 23. He says goodbye but he hesitates. 90008 90003
90002 Does that guy say goodbye, but then he lingers a few extra seconds before heading out? It may be because you likes you and is hesitant to leave your side. 90003
90002 90007 # 24. He’ll tame his rude gestures. 90008 90003
90002 If he’s a guy who normally likes to get expressive with the rude gestures with his hands or other forms of expression, he’ll tone those down in your presence. 90003
90002 90007 # 25. He mirrors your movements.90008 90003
90002 If you’re chatting with a boy do you notice if he’s mirroring your movements? This mimicking can be an indication that he’s focusing on you because he’s interested in you. You can also test this theory by taking a sip of your drink, touching your hair, or leaning forward, all to see if he responds in kind. 90003
90002 90007 # 26. His face is facing you, but his body is not. 90008 90003
90002 This is often a deliberate ploy on his part, since many people know that facing someone directly forward means that they like you.He may be playing coy with you. 90003
90002 90007 # 27. He invades your personal space. 90008 90003
90002 Is that cute guy invading your personal space? Is he just a bit closer than is socially acceptable? This may be a clue that he likes you. You could even move in a bit closer to him to see if he steps back or not. 90003
90002 90007 # 28. He touches you in apology. 90008 90003
90002 Is this guy always apologizing because he thinks he’s offended you in some way, and touches your arm as he does so? He may be genuinely worried about what you think of him, and he’s taking it overboard a bit, because he’s too nervous.90003
90002 90007 # 29. His eyes are judging your space. 90008 90003
90002 When he walks up to you are his eyes flicking all over the place? This is because he’s trying to determine who you’re with, what you’re doing, and whether you have a drink in front of you. He’s trying to judge the situation to see if you’re available. 90003
90002 90007 # 30. He tries to avoid you. 90008 90003
90002 He may like you so much but feel that you’re are not into him, so he’ll go out of his way to avoid you.He does not want to be embarrassed, yet when you do catch him up, he’s genuinely happy to see you. This type of guy needs some special encouragement, so try not to take it too personally. 90003
90002 90007 # 31. He’ll gaze at you from top to bottom. 90008 90003
90002 You may have to pay extra attention, because he’ll try to do this surreptitiously. 90003
90002 90007 # 32. He leans towards you. 90008 90003
90002 A guy who keeps his feet firmly planted on the ground but leans forward, directly facing you, without twisting or turning away, is showing positive body language that he is truly interested in the woman he is talking to.90003
90002 90007 # 33. He will openly stare at your body. 90008 90003
90002 He does not want to offend you, but on the other hand, he needs to show you that he likes what he sees, so he may glance downwards every now and then. 90003
90002 90007 # 34. His voice deepens. 90008 90003
90002 Men will subconsciously drop the tone of their voices to sound more masculine to women. Keep an eye out for this sign. 90003
90002 90007 # 35. He looks back at you. 90008 90003
90002 After a boy has said his goodbyes to you, does he look back at you one last time? Perhaps he’s sad that he will not get to see you again until the next day.90003
90002 90007 # 36. He ignores outside distractions. 90008 90003
90002 Are people yelling at each other in the distance, or is his cell phone ringing, yet he is still focussing his attention on you? He is deliberately ignoring all distractions as he wants to focus only on you. 90003
90002 90007 # 37. He dances in front of you. 90008 90003
90002 If you’re in a bar or nightclub with dancing, and he comes up and says hi while still dancing, this means he wants you to join him for fun on the dance floor.90003
90002 90007 # 38. He’ll place something in front of you without you asking. 90008 90003
90002 Does he know you need the stapler or the salt? Does he pass a tissue over to you? He’ll automatically respond to your needs, without having you ask for the item. 90003
90002 90007 # 39. He follows your pace. 90008 90003
90002 If you are walking together, does he keep to the same pace as you? Perhaps he’s even placing the right foot forward as the same time as you. Most likely when a man follows a woman’s pace, he likes you.You can even test this by speeding up or slowing down to see if he follows the changes. 90003
90002 90007 # 40. He fidgets in your presence. 90008 90003
90002 If you see a man who often fidgets in your presence, it may be because he’s interested in you. Perhaps he’s planning his next tactic on how to keep you interested in him. He needs to keep his hands busy while he does so. 90003
90002 Whenever you’re in the presence of a guy that you like, but you’re not sure if he likes you, be sure to check for these 40 male boy language signs that a guy is interested.If he does several of them in your presence, it’s a good sign that you should be further encouraging him. Now that you know what they are you’ll have greater success in your romantic adventures. 90003
.90000 Ask a Guy: When a Guy Withdraws … 90001
90002 90003 So I’ve been seeing this guy for a few months now. At first, everything was amazing. We hit it off right away and during the first few weeks, he seemed super into me. He would text me things like, ‘I miss you’ and ‘Can not wait to see you’ and on our second date he said he ‘never liked a girl so much after only two dates’. He was also super attentive and super sweet. 90004 90005
90002 90003 All this was great, but then he started to shift and lately has been acting really shady- he cancels on me last minute, he’s been acting distant, and I’m just getting weird vibes.At first, I thought he was just trying to end things, but then from time to time, he’ll text me something really sweet, like about how much he wants to see me, or that he’s been thinking about me, so obviously, he’s still interested or why would he do that? 90004 90005
90002 90003 Anyway, I’m really confused by his behavior, my friends say I should just forget him but I really feel like we could have something great and I’m not ready to throw in the towel just yet. 90004 90005
90002 90003 Am I deluding myself? Please help! Why are guys like this !? 90004 90005
90018 Is it normal for a guy to withdraw in a relationship? 90019
90020 90020
90002 Before I can talk about a guy withdrawing, I need to talk about relationships in general.90005
90002 It can be helpful to look at the initial period of dating as it’s own phase with its own specific qualities. 90005
90002 90027 MORE: Exactly Why Men Withdraw From Relationships 90028 90005
90002 For example, in the beginning, both of you might feel a lot of excitement and also an undercurrent of fearful restlessness. The excitement is on thinking about all the things they like about you. The fear is rooted in insecurities: What if they do not like me as much as I like them? What if they’re not that into me and I end up making a fool of myself falling for someone when they do not feel the same way? What are they feeling? 90005
90002 It may seem hard to believe, but in the beginning of a relationship, a guy will try to feel out how much a woman likes him … especially if he feels some amount of insecurity about how much she’s into him.90005
90002 For instance, if a guy says something like «I like you so much» or whatever during the early phases, he very well might mean it, but he also wants to see how you’ll react. Specifically, he’s checking to see if you’ll say that you feel the same way. 90005
90002 90027 MORE: The Top 3 Reasons Why Men Pull Away 90028 90005
90002 If you say something like, «Really? I really like you too! » and get all excited, then he knows you’re really into him. If not, he will probably dial it back on his part because he does not think you’re all that into him … that does not mean he’ll lose interest in you, but if he already had some insecurities about whether or not you are into him, this will stir up his insecurities further and he’ll keep doing and trying things to «make you like him» so he can feel secure.90005
90002 90027 QUIZ: Is He Losing Interest In You? 90028 90005
90002 So, for starters, I would say that the more insecure he is about you liking him, the more of this stuff he’s going to say until he’s convinced that you really like him a lot. 90005
90002 Once he believes that you really like him, it’s at that point he’ll relax and start being himself. 90005
90002 In the beginning phase of a relationship, the guy wants you to like him and wants to know that you do. Everyone wants to be liked and if there’s any potential to the relationship whatsoever, the guy wants to know that you like him.This is a normal and healthy thing. 90005
90002 So when he’s texting you sweet things, saying all that mushy stuff and being really attentive, there is an element of wanting to hook you in and see where he stands with you. 90005
90002 90027 MORE: 5 Steps to Stop a Man From Withdrawing 90028 90005
90002 Men and women both do this, but sometimes it’s harder to see when we’re thinking about the person we’re with. I’m not saying they’re genuinely interested in you too. 90005
90002 What I am saying is that in the beginning phase of the relationship, it’s common for one or both people to have some amount of insecurity and want to go out of their way to make sure the other person really likes them before they let their guard down.So one of the ways they might see if you like them is to do and say anything they can think of that they think you would like. 90005
90002 Again, this is not a bad thing. You would want the other person you’re with to feel secure with you, so that they can let their guard down and be their true day-to-day self (without all the added performances to make you like them). 90005
90002 I’ve described this kind of thing as people wearing a pretty «mask» at the beginning of a relationship and how, if you know about this, you’ll make sure to see the person behind the mask (and not mistake their pretty «mask» as who they actually are).90005
90002 When both of you are convinced that you like each other, you can both «drop the mask» and start acting like yourself, fully. «Dropping the mask» is something I talk about extensively in the article link below … 90005
90002 90027 MORE: What Do Men Like in a Woman? 90028 90005
90072 Big takeaways: 90073
90075 In the beginning of a relationship, both men and women may be insecure whether or not the other person likes them. 90076
90075 In order to calm their insecurity, they will do and say whatever they can think of to make the other person like them.90076
90075 Once they’re convinced the other person really likes them, they can drop their guard and be their normal self without the various attempts to woo you (which were fueled by the insecurity that they might lose you or you might not like them). 90076
90075 While they might have an insecurity that fuels them to impress you and try to get validation you really like them, that does not mean that they do not also have very real affection, appreciation or admiration for you. 90076
90072 So he’s being all sweet and really getting you to like him … and then he shifts … 90073
90087 90087
90002 I took the time to explain the first phase of relationships (and the role insecurity can play) because I want to make a few important points here: 90005
90075 His behavior might change, but it’s not for a bad reason.It’s because his insecurities have cleared up and he feels comfortable being as he is now. 90076
90075 A little insecurity at the beginning of a relationship is not unhealthy, it’s normal. Just understand that what the other person is doing and saying in the beginning might be a performance fueled by their insecurity and, once they’re comfortable, might get dialed back considerably. 90076
90075 It’s normal for the excitement level and sweet, over-the-top declarations of love to decrease after the initial phase of the relationship.This is not a bad thing, it opens the possibility for a deeper, more open, more honest, more authentic relationship once you’re out of the first phase. 90076
90072 Let’s look at a scenario of a guy who was largely fueled by insecurity in the first phase of dating a woman … 90073
90002 After that guy determines that you really like him, he has you, and he’s no longer worried that he could lose you to another guy. He feels secure and he feels the current relationship dynamic is secure. 90005
90002 This is around the time where things are starting to get comfortable: You make plans regularly, you’re in contact more frequently and maybe it even seems a relationship seems just around the corner.90005
90002 Or so you think … 90005
90002 What will determine if you actually 90003 do 90004 get into a relationship with him? 90005
90002 A couple of things: 90005
90075 Is he open to having an exclusive, long-term relationship with you? 90076
90075 Will you keep sticking around and continuing the relationship dynamic if he does not agree to get into an exclusive relationship with you? 90076
90002 If you have a guy who is not open to getting into a relationship with you, a scenario like this might play out: 90005
90002 You might start getting really excited by this prospect that you and this guy will have a relationship, but this particular guy has specifically said he does not want a relationship.90005
90002 90027 MORE: Signs He Does not Want to Be With You 90028 90005
90002 He might give you some excuse as to why he can not get into a relationship, but the excuse is not the part that matters. As I’ve said time and time again: When a man says he does not want a relationship with you (for any reason), believe him! 90005
90002 The reason he gives is just to soften the blow. 90005
90002 It makes me sad to see, but there are a lot of relationships I see where the guy is insecure and wants to make sure the woman likes him.He does all sorts of things to woo her and win her over, but simultaneously, he (for whatever reason) does not want to be in an exclusive relationship. 90005
90002 So as soon as the woman declares that she really likes him, she assumes it means that they’re headed towards a relationship. The guy, if he has not already, starts talking about how he does not want to be in a relationship for some reason. 90005
90072 And now the woman and man are in a holding pattern: 90073
90075 The woman stays in the relationship dynamic because she thinks it is making progress towards a relationship.90076
90075 The man stays in the dynamic because it’s comfortable, secure and (in most cases) there’s ongoing sex. 90076
90075 And, of course, both people like each and enjoy each other’s company. 90076
90002 But the problem here is this: The guy already says he does not want a relationship with you. And when a guy says this, it is virtually 90003 guaranteed 90004 his mind is not going to change … 90003 especially 90004 if you stay in the current dynamic. 90005
90002 I mean, think about it: Why 90003 would 90004 the guy change his mind if you’re going to stick around regardless of whether or not you’re in an explicitly committed, exclusive relationship? 90005
90002 He already knows you’re not going to go out with other guys.He already knows you have decided to be exclusive to him. 90005
90002 So from his perspective, this is a perfect situation: He still gets to be technically single but also has your ongoing exclusive commitment, sex, and companionship. 90005
90002 The punchline is this … 90005
90072 It’s not that he’s withdrawing, it’s that he does not want a relationship but wants things to stay as they are now … 90073
90163 90163
90002 So if he starts feeling pressure from you for him to get into a relationship with him, he’s going to pull back … 90005
90002 Or if he feels that the current dynamic is feeling too much like a «relationship» to him (whatever he defines that as), he’s going to pull back.90005
90002 Is it because he’s withdrawing? No! It’s because he does not want to be in a relationship … and no amount of asking, begging, hinting, pressuring or convincing is going to change that! 90005
90002 Let’s return to that scenario I was talking about a moment ago, with the insecure guy who wants a woman to like him, but simultaneously does not want to be in an exclusive relationship right now … 90005
90002 90027 MORE: When a Guy Withdraws After Sex 90028 90005
90002 While in the beginning, his insecurity was compelling him to do everything he could to woo you and win you over, now his insecurity is satisfied and his mind has moved on to other things.90005
90002 He cancels plans, he goes MIA for days at a time, he acts distant. Possibly because he’s just not fixating over whether or not he «has» you, possibly because he wants to hold things back from becoming an exclusive relationship dynamic. 90005
90002 In a worst-case scenario, the same sense of insecurity that made the guy obsessed with finding out if you like him is now scaring him into thinking that you’re going to «take his freedom away.» 90005
90002 Generally speaking, most guys have a fear of being «trapped» in a relationship, but in this particular scenario you’re dealing with a guy who’s actions are especially dictated by avoiding unpleasant situations as a primary motivator.90005
90002 If you start getting on his case ( «Why did not you call?» «Why are you being so shady?», Etc.) he will feel trapped and suffocated and start pulling away. 90005
90002 But again … 90005
90072 The central problem is not that he’s withdrawing because of something you did … it’s because he explicitly does not want to be in an exclusive relationship with you 90073
90002 In nearly every case, the guy will have said this in some way, shape or form. 90005
90002 The problem is not that you somehow screwed up with how you were acting with him.The problem is that you’re saying «Yes» to a guy who does not want a relationship … and, if you want to be in an exclusive relationship with a man … these are the guys that you have to say «No» to . 90005
90002 If you say «Yes» to a man that tells you that he does not want an exclusive relationship with you … for any reason … ANY reason … then you will always run into problems like this for as long as you’re together. 90005
90002 It will always feel like you’re swimming upstream and pouring in all your energy just to keep the relationship going.You will always feel like something is wrong like he’s acting shady or pulling away. You will always feel like the relationship is just out-of-reach. 90005
90002 Why? Is it because he’s withdrawing? 90005
90002 No! It’s because you want a relationship and he does not. It’s that simple. 90005
90002 You can avoid this from ever happening to you by following this simple guide: 90005
90075 When a guy tells you he does not want a relationship, believe him! 90076
90075 You are 100% single until a guy clearly, directly and eagerly commits to you the way that you want.90076
90075 Relationships do need time to grow, so do not expect commitment immediately. But if he ever says he does not want a relationship with you, for any reason, remember that you are 100% single. 90076
90075 If you want a relationship, do not say «Yes» to men that say they do not want a relationship. Say «No». 90076
90075 If you want a relationship, say «Yes» to a man that wants a relationship or, at least, is open to one. 90076
90075 Relationships are easy when you choose a man who wants to be in a relationship.90076
90075 Relationships are impossible when you choose a man who does not want to be in a relationship. 90076
90002 Choose wisely! The man you select will determine 90% of your relationship success. Do not say «Yes» to the men that do not want what you want. 90005
90002 It sounds simple and it is. Women make the mistake of thinking that you can choose anyone and then someone entice, convince or inspire him to want a relationship. Not a smart strategy and look at the dating scene — it’s obvious that trying to change a guy’s mind is a losing strategy.90005
90072 And it’s not just guys … this is human psychology. 90073
90002 I have seen it happen the other way, where women are on the other side of the tables — pouring the sweetness on thick and then pulling back to test how much the guy will put up with. Testing boundaries is not necessarily pretty, but it is a way for a partner (who has fears and insecurities) to form trust in the relationship. 90005
90002 It’s easier to look at his behavior if you can see it through a lens of compassion, and not from a place of frustration or fear.90005
90002 90027 MORE: When a Guy Will not Call You His Girlfriend 90028 90005
90018 So how do I deal with him withdrawing like this? 90019
90237 90237
90002 If you’re dealing with a guy who does not want to be in a relationship, the way you deal with it is that you make a realization for yourself: 90027 You are 100% single. 90028 90005
90002 Remember that you’re 100% single until you’re 100% in a committed relationship. None of this «it’s complicated» stuff. Black and white, simple, clear, clean — you either are in a clear committed relationship or you’re not.90005
90002 If you’re not, you step into the reality that you are 100% free to meet other men, go on dates and find a man who 90003 does 90004 want to commit to you and have the kind of relationship you’re looking for . 90005
90002 A funny thing in these situations is that oftentimes if you maintain that you’re single until you’re in a clear relationship, one of two things will happen. Either: 90005
90075 The guy will all of a sudden realize that he 90003 does 90004 want a committed relationship with you and directly commit, or … 90076
90075 The guy will know that he could lose you to another guy and, even still, do nothing to stop that from happening 90076
90002 Either way, you win.You either get into a committed relationship with the guy you’ve been seeing or you discover that he was not all that into you in the first place. 90005
90002 So in other words, you either get into a clear relationship or you save yourself from weeks, months or years on a guy who was never going to commit in the way you wanted! 90005
90018 What if we’re in a committed relationship and he’s withdrawing? 90019
90002 Based on the reader’s question in this article, we spoke about how a relationship can start off great but then hit the brakes later if it’s a guy who does not want a relationship.That scenario routes back to the root problem that the guy does not want a relationship and his «withdrawing» is just a symptom of the real problem. 90005
90002 However, what if you are seeing a guy who wants a relationship (or is at least open to one), but he seems to be withdrawing? Or what if you’re in a committed relationship and he seems to be withdrawing? 90005
90002 One of the qualities of a healthy relationship is that you and your partner are able to give each other space. 90005
90002 If you’re in a relationship that’s clearly defined, exclusive and committed, then withdrawing in this context is different.90005
90002 After almost a decade of working with men and women, it is almost guaranteed that whenever I see a partner withdrawing in a relationship, I see the other partner has trouble giving them space. 90005
90002 It could be because of insecurities or a lack of trust or that the other partner leans on the withdrawing partner as his or her sole source of entertainment and companionship … but for whatever the reason, not being able to give the partner space goes hand- in-hand with a partner that’s withdrawing.90005
90002 At the root of it, not being able to give your partner space stems from you having a fear that you’ll lose them. 90005
90002 You fear that you’ll lose them, so you constantly try to measure if they’re losing interest in you. You constantly do and say things to try to «keep them» or prevent them from losing interest or slipping away. 90005
90002 However, the fuel of all of your behavior in this case is rooted in 90003 fear 90004 and this gives off a vibe of desperation and neediness.90005
90002 When someone’s frequently feeding into a fear that they’ll lose you, it shows up in their energy … their mood … their vibe … and that’s not an enjoyable energy to be around! 90005
90002 It sucks the fun and enjoyment out of the relationship because instead of you being the fun, carefree, happy person you were when the relationship began, now spending time with you feels murky and serious and dark. There’s a pressure he’ll feel like he is walking on eggshells. 90005
90002 Fear of loss is a self-fulfilling prophecy.That is to say, the fear of the problem actually becomes the cause of the problem. 90005
90018 How Fear of Losing Him Causing A Guy To Withdraw: 90019
90075 You are afraid you might lose the guy you’re with. 90076
90075 You look at the guy for reassurance that he will not leave. 90076
90075 He reassures you, but after some amount of time, you feel that fear again and seek reassurance. 90076
90075 This repeats again and again, but your fear is like a bottomless pit and his reassurance is never enough.90076
90075 The overall mood of the relationship stops being light, open and fun. Now it feels like serious business, where he’s constantly moderating everything he says to avoid triggering your fears and frequently reassuring you. 90076
90075 The relationship starts to feel like a drag because the tone of it has become servicing a bottomless pit of fear … and he’s starting to get exhausted. 90076
90075 He starts trying to get some space so he can recharge his energy, but when he does, that triggers your fear of loss even more, causing it to be even more of a drain.90076
90075 Now he feels like even taking space for himself is a trigger for your insecurities, so you unknowingly are cutting him off from the natural places where he recharges his own energy. 90076
90075 His mood starts to decline and he starts being less pleasant to be with. Arguments start or he starts displaying even more worrisome behavior, which stirs up your fear of losing him even more. 90076
90075 At some point, the mood of the relationship becomes so unbearable that he leaves. 90076
90002 Now see, that whole scenario does not play out that way if fear of losing him does not get out of control.90005
90002 Granted, this only applies to a relationship where you have a committed, exclusive relationship in the first place. After all, if it’s one of those «complicated» relationship dynamics where he said he does not want to be in a relationship and you stay with him anyway, then … yeah … you’ll constantly fear losing him because you want a relationship and he does not, so keeping anything going requires your total energy to keep it going at all. 90005
90002 In a relationship where both of you want the relationship to be good, then that’s where you need an appreciation for giving a guy space.90005
90072 When you give a guy space 90073
90075 You realize that you’re giving him the opportunity to «recharge his batteries», so he can bring that good, happy, rejuvenated energy into the relationship 90076
90075 You learn to live your life in a way where you’re not looking for another person to «make you feel OK» 90076
90075 Rather, you live your life in a way that feels happy to you and you look at your partner as someone you share your life with. 90076
90002 Perhaps a better way to say it: 90027 You do not extract happiness from relationships.You bring happiness into your relationship and share it. 90028 90005
90002 You do not extract a feeling of security or worth or well-being from your relationship. You bring security, worth and well-being into your relationship and share it. 90005
90002 90027 MORE: Why Men Withdraw and What to Do About It 90028 90005
90002 And he does too! That’s how you have a happy relationship, a secure relationship, a good relationship. You bring these things 90003 into 90004 the relationship and share them.90005
90002 I’m not saying that you can never have an insecure moment in a relationship or that you can never have a bad day (or even a bad week). I’m saying that when you primarily view your relationship as a place where you bring your happiness into and share it, that’s a relationship that grows, deepens and thrives. 90005
90002 The reason for it is simple: When you bring good feelings into the relationship, the relationship feels good to be in! 90005
90002 And when one of you is having a hard time, there’s such an ocean of «goodness» that’s been built over time that the occasional tough moments just get easily washed away like nothing.90005
90002 Relationships work best when both people come into it whole, happy and fulfilled, and as the relationship progresses, continue to view the relationship as a place that they bring their happiness into and share it. 90005
90002 Guys are highly receptive to the mood and energy of a relationship. When you can be the example of being in a good mood (and as a natural result, having a good vibe or «good energy»), he will naturally understand how to be that way too. 90005
90002 When it comes to the vibe or emotional tone of a relationship, men follow the woman’s lead.When you make your mood a priority and live in a way that has you feeling happy on the inside … and you bring that happy emotional tone into the relationship … he will respond to it over time and start bringing that emotional tone into the relationship too. 90005
90002 90027 MORE: What to Do If Your Man is Withdrawing 90028 90005
90002 So this is what to do when a guy withdraws: 90005
90075 Give the other person space to recharge your batteries. 90076
90075 Understand that giving your partner space to charge their batteries is a good thing.90076
90075 Live your life in a way that recharges your own batteries independent of your relationship. 90076
90075 Your mood matters! Your mood becomes your vibe. A good mood becomes a good vibe and a good vibe attracts love from every corner of your life. 90076
90075 When you’re happy, you bring your happiness into the relationship and share it, which makes your relationship feel good to be in. 90076
90075 Understand that you can either feed your fears or you can feed your joy, but you can not feed both.90076
90075 Feeding your fears will destroy your vibe, which will destroy your relationship. 90076
90075 Feeding your joy will bring joy into your relationship, which will improve your relationship with every passing day. 90076
90002 If you want some great advice on how to give a guy space, take a look at the following article: 90005
90002 90027 MORE: What To Do When He Says He Needs Space 90028 90005
90002 I hope this article helped you better understand why guys withdraw. But there is more you need to be aware of.Most guys will start to pull away at some point. They may even lose interest. You may notice he’s acting colder and he’s less responsive and attentive to you. Do you know how to handle it when this happens? If not, you run the risk of making a common, and major, mistake that might push him further away so be sure to read this next: If He’s Pulling Away, Do This … 90005
90002 If you want some help figuring out if he’s losing interest, the best thing you can do is click here to take our «Is He Losing Interest?» quiz and find out right now … 90005
90002 Hope it helps, 90005
90002 eric charles 90005 90002 Take The Quiz Now 90005.90000 Cracking The Man Code — What to Do When a Man Ignores You 90001
90002 90003 3 Steps to Dealing With a Guy Who Suddenly Ghosts You and Stops Returning Your Texts and Phone Calls 90004 90005 90002 We’ve ALL been there when someone we’ve been dating or flirting with sort of just disappears, and you’re left wondering what you did to drive the person away! 90005 90002 There’s no way around it … when someone ghosts on you like that, it sucks. 90005 90002 After coaching and mentoring thousands of smart, successful, single women for the last 10 years, I’ve found that when a guy they’re interested in pulls a Houdini, most women go into hard-core, forensic detective mode.90005 90002 Can you relate? 😉 90005 90002 You try to figure out what you did or said that led him to change his mind about you and start ignoring you … and then, you start analyzing everything about your last interaction, just like it’s a crime scene. 90005 90002 You examine the evidence — you go over your texts and obsess over what you might have said to turn him off and make him pull away. 90005 90002 And then maybe a few days or a week goes by and your old paradigms (the stories you’ve historically told yourself) try to convince you that you did something wrong! Maybe you just were not funny enough, sexy enough, blah blah blah.90005 90002 Before we dive into what might be going through his mind that leads to his decision to start ignoring you AND what you can do about it, I need to say one thing LOUD AND CLEAR … 90005 90002 And let this sink deep, deep into your consciousness !! 90005 90002 90003 IT’S HARD TO SCREW UP THE RIGHT THING. 90004 90005 90002 90029 90005 90002 I repeat: It. Is. Hard. To. Screw. Up. The. Right. Thing. 90005 90002 Meaning, when you’ve met the right guy, things between you are going to just FLOW.And he’s going to engage. And pursue you actively! And NO, he’s not going to just randomly start ignoring you. 90005 90035 90003 Okay, so what IS going through his mind when a man ignores you? 90004 90038 90002 Alright, as always, I’m going to give it to you straight … 90005 90002 When a man ignores you, he’s NOT thinking about you. 90005 90002 I know it’s harsh but this is actually VERY empowering to know because you’ll actually have an accurate picture of what’s going on! When you can see a situation clearly, for what it is, you can proceed with A LOT less stress, anxiety and worry.90005 90002 And there’s more good news! When a man ignores you, he’s NOT thinking about something you did wrong. 90005 90002 He’s not thinking, 90005 90049 90002 «Man, she’s so smart and beautiful and funny … BUT, that one thing she said really made me change my mind about her! I’m going into ghost mode. » 90005 90052 90002 Nope! None of that is what he’s thinking. 90005 90002 Instead, he’s thinking about his friends, his family, his job … his own life. And chances are, he’s also thinking about and texting other women, because if you were not exclusive, he was probably talking to women besides you from the beginning.90005 90002 So again, here’s your loud and clear reminder: 90003 YOU DID NOTHING WRONG. 90004 90005 90002 You did not screw it up and there’s nothing wrong with you. As you know, we all have a certain amount of interest and connection with people, and sometimes two people just do not jive. 90005 90002 90064 90065 90005 90067 21 Day Love and Affirmation Practice 90068 90002 FREE gift to instantly boost your feelings of self-love and worthiness! 90070 Get Access Now 90005 90002 So instead of fixating on what you did wrong with THIS guy, it’s time to move on to look for the next one … the right one.90005 90074 90035 90003 Here are 3 simple but very empowering steps you can take when a man ignores you … 90004 90038 90067 90003 STEP # 1: Remind yourself that with the right guy, things are easy 90004 90068 90002 90084 90005 90002 When it’s the right guy, there will not be a chase, uncertainty or a tug-of-war. 90005 90002 I can not tell you how many women who’ve taken my Manifest Your Man coaching program are SO used to guys who are vanishers, or who pull away, or who are just always in a state of up-and-down drama .90005 90002 And then, when they shift their mindsets, attract better partners, and experience what a good, reciprocal relationship actually feels like, they always say, «Oh my gosh, this feels so natural! THIS is how it’s supposed to be. We’re texting back and forth naturally, he’s prioritizing me, and there are NO games. » 90005 90002 When it’s right, there’s a natural flow and ease, and that’s all there is to it. 90005 90002 So if it’s not flowing easily, you gotta let this guy go. You gotta make room for an AMAZING guy to come into your life.And I know that’s challenging, because it involves having faith that love IS coming to you. 90005 90002 Whatever kind of relationship you want, if you believe in your core you’ll have it … you will. And it will feel easy, mutual and rewarding. 90005 90002 90005 90067 90003 STEP # 2: Match his level of investment 90004 90068 90002 90105 90005 90002 There’s a natural human instinct to react in opposition to what you’re experiencing. For example, if someone is chasing you, you may have the instinct to pull away.90005 90002 On the other hand, if someone pulls away from you, your instinct may be to chase them. 90005 90002 This is because we’re all susceptible to what’s called scarcity thinking, which means we sometimes want what we can not have. 90005 90002 So here’s what I suggest: If he pulls away, match his level of investment, which means reducing your overall level of investment. If he stops calling or texting you, YOU stop calling or texting. Easy peasy. 90005 90002 This step is important because when you stop investing your energy in him, your subconscious mind will reduce his importance in your life, and you’ll have a greater overall sense of peace and calm about the whole situation … which is SO much better than the sense of panic that often accompanies chasing someone! 90005 90002 AND, here’s another great thing about this strategy — if you lower your investment, you’ll become more scarce to him, which will trigger his desire for you.And he might reappear! 90005 90002 So let’s say maybe he’s just been busy or distracted (this does happen sometimes). Well, then you’re going to find out real quick if he’s into you because he’ll come back around! 90005 90002 Not that I want you to bank on or hope for this, but really, the deal is that matching his level of investment is win-win all around for you! 90005 90002 90005 90067 90003 STEP # 3: Focus forward 90004 90068 90002 This step is definitely the most important one, so let me explain what I mean by «focus forward.»90005 90002 You want to focus on YOU. Your life and your future — not him or his. You want to put your energy and focus into opportunities on the horizon for YOU, and on living YOUR most amazing, passionate and fulfilling life. 90005 90002 And here’s why … 90005 90002 If you put all your focus on him, and he pulls away, you’ll begin to feel discouraged, maybe even depressed, and you will likely stop prioritizing the things that matter most to you. 90005 90002 But if you focus forward, on the amazing future you have in store for yourself, then better and better opportunities WILL come to you — I promise this to be true! 90005 90002 When a man ignores you, he’s not interested in you … but someone else WILL be! 90005 90002 The high-quality man of your dreams is out there, and he’s looking for you, too.90005 90049 90002 You deserve to be treated like the amazing woman you are, and this just simply does not involve being ignored. 90005 90052 90002 So when you feel blown off by a guy, run through these three steps, as challenging as they may initially seem, and you’ll both empower yourself and create the space in your life for Mr. Right to step into. 90005 90002 90005 90067 90003 Now I’d love to hear from YOU … and offer you a FREE gift to instantly boost your feelings of self-love and worthiness! 90004 90068 90002 When a man you’re interested in pulls away from you and starts ignoring you, what strategies do you personally use to create more peace of mind? 90005 90002 90003 Write your strategies in the comments section below 90004 — I’d love to hear from you! 90005 90002 And if you’d love to feel even more confidence and self-love in your journey to attracting the high-quality man of your dreams, download my 90003 FREE 21 Day Love and Affirmation Practice! 90004 90005 90002 90166 90005 90002 90003 FREE 21 Day Love and Affirmation Practice! >> 90004 90005.