Год рождения 1985 знак зодиака: год какого животного по восточному календарю: характеристика мужчин и женщин, гороскоп совместимости

Астрология, Нумерология, Карты Таро. Рассчитать онлайн по дате бесплатно с расшифровкой. – astronumerology.me

Солнце в Раке

Привязанность к людям и состояниям. Очень восприимчивый знак и легко ранимый. Привязан к семье, к дому. Эмоционален только с теми людьми, которых не боится, от которых он не ждет зла. Держит мир как можно дальше от себя, боится…

Луна в Стрельце

Внутренняя гордость, чувство превосходства, оптимизм, неуемная жажда жизни. Развитое чувство долга и ответственности, способность к руководству. Идеализм. Часто — проповедники, миссионеры. Интерес к религии и философии….

Меркурий в Льве

Указывает на честолюбивый, самоуверенный, постоянный, настойчивый, решительный и возвышенный ум. Добросердечен и чуток. Обладает чувством собственного достоинства. Интуитивен и имеет высокие благородные идеалы, редко…

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Соединение Солнце-Марс

Положение наделяет человека волей и мужеством. Есть склонность к агрессивности и высокомерию — принцип власти Солнца выражается посредством принципа Марса. Проявление агрессии зависит от знака и дома, где хозяева Солнце и Марс.

Соединение Луна-Нептун

Впечатлительность, сильная эмпатия. Чувствительность делает их сочувствующими и понимающими, но с другой стороны слишком поддаются настроению своего окружения. Парапсихологические способности, но настоящие ли они зависит…

Секстиль Луна-Плутон

«Мысли — это вещи». Сознательно используют свою волю, управляя своим воображением. Умение обновить практические дела и мир чувств. Способны обновлять свои жизненные силы, улучшая сопротивляемость и здоровье. Талант развивать…

Астрология, Нумерология, Карты Таро. Рассчитать онлайн по дате бесплатно с расшифровкой. – astronumerology.me

Солнце в Весах

Уравновешенность и дипломатичность. Эгоизма может быть сколько угодно, но он не высовывается, не навязывает своей позиции, всегда готов на компромисс. Стремится к устойчивому жизненному равновесию. В основном стремится…

Луна в Тельце

Обходительный, приветливый характер, склонность к любви, дружбе, браку. Уверенный, не отклоняющийся от цели. Натура консервативная и сопротивляется насильственным переменам или внешним влияниям. Подает надежды, жаждет…

Меркурий в Весах

Хороший ум. Изысканные манеры. Спокойный, справедливый, нежный и привязчивый характер. Любит сравнивать, способен на здравые суждения, заявления и доводы. Любовь к умственным занятиям, часто музыкален, великолепные врожденные…

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Тригон Солнце-Юпитер

Тоже огненный оттенок, подчеркнуты IX и V дома — энтузиазм, оптимизм, стихийность трина в религиозных, философских, социальных и законодательных вопросах, но не только в физическом плане, как у Марса: позитивизм, альтруизм,…

Тригон Луна-Венера

Гармоничность, услужливость, любезность. Хорошо для женщин, развивает женские качества: красоту, нежность выражения и склонностей, сочувствие, чуткость. Их присутствие действует успокоительно. Как правило — художественные…

Квадратура Луна-Юпитер

Избыток чувств, например: мать чрезмерно балует ребенка. Неумная щедрость. Их можно разжалобить выдуманной печальной историей и выудить у них деньги. Щедрость должна быть осмотрительна, на пользу. Склонность к неосторожности,…

Астрология, Нумерология, Карты Таро. Рассчитать онлайн по дате бесплатно с расшифровкой. – astronumerology.me

Солнце в Козероге

Честолюбивые замыслы. Цепкость, устремленность, упорство и мастерство. Способны выдерживать большие жизненные карьерные перегрузки. Могут для этого положить семью в гроб, похоронить все удовольствия жизни, но взойти наверх…

Луна в Льве

Это положение делает человека честолюбивым, самоуверенным, полагающимся только на себя, верным, честным, благородным в денежных делах, великодушным, гордым, искренним и добросердечным. Живой, проницательный, упорный ум,…

Меркурий в Стрельце

Характер честолюбивый, искренний, справедливый, благородный, очень независимый и часто мятежный, с некоторой тенденцией к резкости и импульсивности, очень деятелен, несколько переменчив, но прогрессивен. Понимание красоты…

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Соединение Солнце-Юпитер

Умеют расширять сферы своего влияния и достигать цели. Их захватывающая личность и оптимистическая сущность приносят счастье. Положительное отношение к жизни позволяет максимально использовать шансы. Энтузиазм захватывает…

Квадратура Луна-Плутон

Сильная эмоциональность и сильное психическое поле, вызывающее у людей, особенно у женщин, чувство неуверенности. Желание забыть прошлое, разорвать все узы, которые мешают. Резки с родителями и семьей, не терпят вмешательства…

Секстиль Венера-Нептун

Тонкое воображение художника. Положительные свойства Рыб. Чувства и склонности имеют религиозный оттенок. Сочувствуют и понимают людей. Любезны в обиходе, легко идут на связи, дружбу, брак, союзы с людьми, с мистическими…

Астрология, Нумерология, Карты Таро. Рассчитать онлайн по дате бесплатно с расшифровкой. – astronumerology.me

Солнце в Раке

Привязанность к людям и состояниям. Очень восприимчивый знак и легко ранимый. Привязан к семье, к дому. Эмоционален только с теми людьми, которых не боится, от которых он не ждет зла. Держит мир как можно дальше от себя, боится…

Луна в Рыбах

Добрый, благожелательный, спокойный, уступчивый, сочувственный, любит комфорт, удобства, разнообразие, перемены, красоту и гармонию. Встречает множество препятствий и неудач, что иногда заставляет человека, родившегося…

Меркурий в Льве

Указывает на честолюбивый, самоуверенный, постоянный, настойчивый, решительный и возвышенный ум. Добросердечен и чуток. Обладает чувством собственного достоинства. Интуитивен и имеет высокие благородные идеалы, редко…

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Соединение Солнце-Марс

Положение наделяет человека волей и мужеством. Есть склонность к агрессивности и высокомерию — принцип власти Солнца выражается посредством принципа Марса. Проявление агрессии зависит от знака и дома, где хозяева Солнце и Марс.

Тригон Марс-Сатурн

Объединяет положительные качества Козерога. Любят тяжелый труд, планомерные действия, избегают ненужной траты сил, следят за получением полезных результатов. Большая сила воли, которая применяется разумно и систематически….

Секстиль Юпитер-Уран

Способность использовать новые условия, интерес к новым формам религиозного выражения или религиозной практики, оккультным наукам. Пророчества, видения, если нет противоречий в гороскопе. Аспект астрологов. Оптимизм,…

Астрология, Нумерология, Карты Таро. Рассчитать онлайн по дате бесплатно с расшифровкой. – astronumerology.me

Солнце в Весах

Уравновешенность и дипломатичность. Эгоизма может быть сколько угодно, но он не высовывается, не навязывает своей позиции, всегда готов на компромисс. Стремится к устойчивому жизненному равновесию. В основном стремится…

Луна в Тельце

Обходительный, приветливый характер, склонность к любви, дружбе, браку. Уверенный, не отклоняющийся от цели. Натура консервативная и сопротивляется насильственным переменам или внешним влияниям. Подает надежды, жаждет…

Меркурий в Весах

Хороший ум. Изысканные манеры. Спокойный, справедливый, нежный и привязчивый характер. Любит сравнивать, способен на здравые суждения, заявления и доводы. Любовь к умственным занятиям, часто музыкален, великолепные врожденные…

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Тригон Солнце-Юпитер

Тоже огненный оттенок, подчеркнуты IX и V дома — энтузиазм, оптимизм, стихийность трина в религиозных, философских, социальных и законодательных вопросах, но не только в физическом плане, как у Марса: позитивизм, альтруизм,…

Тригон Луна-Марс

Эмоциональная активность, много психической энергии. Предприимчивы в оборудовании дома, семейной жизни и сделках. Чувства сильные, но умеют ими владеть и использовать конструктивно. Борются за справедливые дела. Умеют…

Секстиль Меркурий-Уран

Быстрая интуитивная и подвижная восприимчивость, хорошая память, оккультные интересы. Занятия электроникой, физикой, атомной энергией, современными науками. При хорошем аспекте с Сатурном прогноз усиливается. Самостоятельное…

90000 Year of the Ox, 1973, 1985, 1997. 2009 Chinese Zodiac Ox, 2020 Fortune 90001

90002 90003 90004 90005 2021 is the Year of the Ox according to Chinese zodiac. This is a Year of Metal Ox, starting from Feb. 12, 2021 (Chinese New Year) and lasting to Jan. 31, 2022. 90006 90007 90008 90009
90010 90011 Ox is the second in the 12-year cycle of Chinese zodiac sign. Years of the Ox include 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009 2021, 2033… 90012 90011 Oxen used to be capable farming tools in agricultural society, which attach to the symbol of diligence, persistence and honesty. People born in the Year of Ox are probably tardy in action, but industrious and cautious. Most of them are conservative and hold their faith firmly. 90012 90011 Earthly Branch of Birth Year: Chou 90016 Wu Xing (The Five Elements): Tu (Earth) 90016 Yin Yang: Yin 90012 90011 90020 Years of Chinese Zodiac Ox 90021 90012 90023 90003 90004 90026 Ox Year 90027 90026 Start 90027 90026 End 90027 90007 90004 90005 1925 90006 90005 Jan.24,1925 90006 90005 Feb.12,1926 90006 90007 90004 90005 1937 90006 90005 Feb.11,1937 90006 90005 Jan.30,1938 90006 90007 90004 90005 1949 90006 90005 Jan.29,1949 90006 90005 Feb.16,1950 90006 90007 90004 90005 1961 90006 90005 Feb.15,1961 90006 90005 Feb.4,1962 90006 90007 90004 90005 1973 90006 90005 Feb.3,1973 90006 90005 Jan.22,1974 90006 90007 90004 90005 1985 90006 90005 Feb.20,1985 90006 90005 Feb.8,1986 90006 90007 90004 90005 1997 90006 90005 Feb.7,1997 90006 90005 Jan.27,1998 90006 90007 90004 90005 2009 90006 90005 Jan.26,2009 90006 90005 Feb.13,2010 90006 90007 90004 90005 2021 90006 90005 Feb. 11,2021 90006 90005 Jan.31,2022 90006 90007 90004 90005 2033 90006 90005 Jan.31,2033 90006 90005 Jan.18,2034 90006 90007 90008 90009 90020 Lucky Signs for People Born in Ox Year: 90021 Lucky Numbers: 1, 9 90016 Lucky Colors: red, blue, purple 90016 Lucky Flowers: tulip, evergreen, peach blossom 90016 Lucky Directions: southeast, south and north 90120 90121 90011 Things Should be Avoided: 90012 90124 90125 Unlucky Numbers: 3, 4 90126 90125 Unlucky Colors: white, green 90126 90125 Unlucky Direction: northwest 90126 90131
Ranking second in Chinese zodiacal signs, the Ox is huge.People often use it to indicate something big in size or number. People born in the Year of Ox bear persistent, simple, honest, and straightforward characteristics. They are talent leaders with strong faith, and strong devotion to work. They are contemplative before taking actions, not easily affected by the surroundings but just follow their concept and ability. Being conservative with a lack of wit in speaking, they usually look silent and sometimes stubborn in their old ways. 90016 90124 90125 Strengths 90016 honest, industrious, patient, cautious, level-headed, strong-willed, persistent 90126 90125 Weaknesses 90016 obstinate, inarticulate, prudish, distant 90126 90125 See more about Destiny by Birth Month, Destiny by Birth Date 90126 90131 90124 90125 Best Matches: Rat, Snake, Rooster 90016 They are quite compatible, deeply attracted by each other.They are both responsible, willing to share the family duty. Besides, loyalty and faith are the key factors to their happy marriage. 90126 90125 Bad Matches: Tiger, Dragon, Horse, Sheep 90016 They will stick on their own opinions and ideas, and they both can hardly give in. They do not get used to forgiveness, and squabbles lead to their relationship reaction. 90126 90125 See more about Chinese Zodiac Sign Compatibility 90126 90131 90124 90125 Best Jobs: Lawyer, doctor, teacher, technician, politician, office clerk, consultant… 90126 90125 Best Working Partners: Rat, Rooster, Snake 90126 90125 Best Age to Start a Business: 30 — 40 90126 90125 Best Career Field: Building Material Field 90126 90125 See more about Best Business and Career Fields for Ox 90126 90131 90011 According to the 2020 Ox fortune prediction, people born in the year of Chinese zodiac Ox year have pretty good fortune in wealth. They may earn a lot of money from work and investment. For students who born in the year of Ox, they have good luck in study and tests.In love and relationship, they will possibly meet the one they love on some social occasions and start a relationship. In health, they may have small health problems but can be cured. 90012 90167 90011 Kind-hearted Aries, persistent Taurus, prudent Gemini, self-disciplined Cancer, dominant Leo, conservative Virgo, respectable Libra, passionate Scorpio, energetic Sagittarius, hesitant Capricorn, humorous Aquarius, sensitive Pisces … 90012 90124 90125 Blood Type O: They are bright and frank, which makes them to be reliable partners.Uprightness and kindness make them popular. 90126 90125 Blood Type A: They are cautious and careful in work, and they can be good advisors. 90126 90125 Blood Type B: They are highly-esteemed, and they are always the one that come up with novelty ideas in a group. 90126 90125 Blood Type AB: They are strong-minded, and will not easily be defeated by any difficulties. 90126 90131 90011 Chinese zodiac is closely related to the Five Elements. Ox people born in different years have different elements, thus corresponding personality and destiny.90012 90182 90003 90004 90026 Types 90027 90026 Years of Birth 90027 90026 Personality Traits 90027 90007 90004 90005 Wood Ox 90006 90005 1925 1985 90006 90005 Brave, selfless, upright and outspoken. 90006 90007 90004 90005 Fire Ox 90006 90005 1937, 1997 90006 90005 Clever but lacking one’s own judgement, short-sighted, narrow-minded. 90006 90007 90004 90005 Earth Ox 90006 90005 1949, 2009 90006 90005 Smart, confident and resolute; hard to have high opinion of others.90006 90007 90004 90005 Metal Ox 90006 90005 1961, 2021 90006 90005 Busy and active, with good interpersonal relations. 90006 90007 90004 90005 Water Ox 90006 90005 1913, 1973 90006 90005 Hardworking and diligent, holding a strong feeling for justice. 90006 90007 90008 90009 90011 90020 Ox Zodiac Eminent Personalities 90021 90012 90011 Napoleon Bonaparte, Barack Obama, Richard Nixon, Vincent Van Gogh, Walt Disney, Heinz Christian Andersen, Rosa Parks, Charlie Chaplin, Vivien Leigh, Meg Ryan, George Clooney, Neve Campbell , Tori Spelling, Zac Hanson, Jack Nicholson, Kate Beckinsale, Clark Gable, Richard Burton, Paul Newman, Wayne Gretzky, Anthony Hopkins, Lily Allen, Eva Amurri, Ciara, Kiera Knightley, Ashley Tisdale, Haylie Duff, Cristiano Ronaldo, Vincent Thomas Lombardi, Li Bai (a famous Chinese poet in the Tang Dynasty 618 — 907), Liu Bei (King of Shu in China’s Three Kingdoms Period 220 — 280) 90012

90011 — Last modified on Mar.24, 2020 року — 90012

.90000 1985 Chinese Zodiac, Wood Ox: 2019 Horoscope, Personality 90001

90002 Which type of Ox are people born in +1985 Chinese Zodiac year? 90003 Based on Chinese Five Elements, the year of 1985 belongs to the Wood year. According to Chinese zodiac, 1985 is the year of the Ox. Therefore, people born in Chinese calendar year 1985, specifically February 20, 1985 to February 8, 1986 in Gregorian calendar is the Wood Ox; those people who born from January 1 to February 19 in 1985 belong to the previous Wood Rat year.90004 90005 90002 Lucky Signs for тисяча дев’ятсот вісімдесят п’ять Wood Ox 90003 90008 90005 90010 Lucky Numbers: 1, 4, 7, 8 90008 90005 90010 Lucky Colors: blue, yellow, orange 90008 90005 90002 2020 Horoscope for Wood Ox Born in тисяча дев’ятсот вісімдесят п’ять 90003 90008 90005 In 2020 , the fortune of Ox people born in 1985 is not bad generally. Their career luck is good as their job becomes stable. But their luck of health will be a little unsatisfactory. 90008 90005 There may be many challenges and pressures from colleagues and peers in their work, but the opposite side of challenge is opportunity.If they deal with it well, they will be likely to get a promotion with the help of predecessors. Thus, they may achieve a peak of their career. 90008 90005 As for wealth, they may get their fortune from the stabilized work. And they may have some extra income with bonus, lottery or dividends. They should learn to save money, otherwise there will not be any extra earning expect salary. 90008 90005 Their love and relationship luck shows two extremely different trends. They may break up with their lovers or get married if they have plan for marriage.Single Ox people are suggested to chase the one they love bravely. They should be more concerned about their family members as well. 90008 90005 In terms of health, they may have problems in their bodies, but fortunately they can recover soon. They may neglect their health under the pressure of work and life. They should keep a healthy diet and exercise properly to strengthen their immune system. 90008 90005 90010 See more about Ox Fortune in 2020 90004 90008 90002 Personality Traits of the одна тисяча дев’ятсот вісімдесят п’ять Chinese Zodiac Wood Ox 90003 The Chinese zodiac Ox are kind-hearted and can help their friends selflessly.They are patient and tireless, and do their best to achieve their goals. And the Wood Ox are self-sufficient and do not like the help of others. They are full of confidence and courage, so they can always keep calm in a crisis. 90005 But they may be too though and strong to get along well with others. It is easy for them to argue with others over trivial things. And they are very careless. If they want to make everything go smoothly, they must be careful enough. 90008 90005 90010 See more about Personality of the Ox 90004 90008 The career fortune for the 1985 Wood Ox is not very good.For office workers, it may be difficult to survive in the workplace due to interpersonal problems at the initial stage. And their talents may remain unrecognized for many years. For entrepreneurs, although there are no great difficulties, their business may develop slowly. It is suggested to attend more business parties and make friends with people from all walks of life. 90005 90010 See more about Ox’s Best Business and Career Fields, Best Jobs and Working Partners 90004 90008 The Wood Ox have a great fortune in wealth through their lives.Although their career develops slowly, their income is stable, so they have no worries and pressures about food and clothing. And in their spare time, because of the unique investment horizon, they can obtain rich gains. But they should learn to avoid investment risks to earn more money. 90004 The Chinese zodiac Ox have good fortune in love. When they were single, there are many admirers around them. They may get married after some relationships. After getting married, they can get along well with their partners and live happily.But after middle age, they may be tempted by some opposite sexes, when they should think of their lovers and children and not to have affairs. 90005 90010 See more about Ox’s Love Compatibility 90004 90008 90005 The health fortune for the 1985 Chinese zodiac Wood Ox are pretty good. There is little chance to suffer from accidental injuries and sudden illness. But they should develop healthy routines and good sanitation habits to keep themselves from virus, such as go to bed early and get up early, do more exercises, quit smoking and drinking.And the drivers should obey traffic rules to ensure driving safety. 90008 90005 90004 90054 You May Like: 90008 90005 90010 Ox’s Character and Fortune by Five Elements 90008 90005 90010 People Born in Different Years of the Ox: 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009 2021 90008

90005 — Last modified on May. 17, 2020 року — 90008

.90000 Year of the Dog, Chinese Zodiac Dog 2020 Fortune & Personality 90001

90002 90003 Dog is the eleventh in the 12-year cycle of Chinese zodiac animals. The recent Years of the Dog include 1922 1934 1946 1958 1970, 1982, 1994 2006, 2018, 2030 2042 … 90004 90003 Dog is men’s good friend who can understand the human spirit and obey its master, whether he is wealthy or not. Chinese people regard it as an auspicious animal. If a dog happens to come to a house, it symbolizes the coming of fortune.In Chinese legend, the invincible God Erlang has a loyal dog partner to help him capture monsters. 90004 90003 Earthly Branch of Birth Year: Xu 90008 Wu Xing (The Five Elements): Tu (Earth) 90008 Yin Yang: Yang 90004 90003 People born in the years below are considered born in the year of the Dog and they are often called Dogs . Dogs in different years may have different characters because they have various elements from metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. 90004 90003 As Chinese zodiac is based on the Chinese lunar calendar, people who born in January or February maybe were not born in the year of the Dog in the lunar calendar.Want to confirm your real zodiac sign? Just check the chart below or fill your birthdays in «Find your Chinese Zodiac». 90004 90015 90016 90017 90018 Dog Year 90019 90018 Start 90019 90018 End 90019 90024 90017 90026 1922 90027 90026 Jan.28,1922 90027 90026 Feb.15,1923 90027 90024 90017 90026 1934 90027 90026 Feb.14,1934 90027 90026 Feb.3, 1935 90027 90024 90017 90026 1946 90027 90026 Feb.2,1946 90027 90026 Jan.21,1947 90027 90024 90017 90026 1958 90027 90026 Feb.18,1958 90027 90026 Feb.7,1959 90027 90024 90017 90026 1970 90027 90026 Feb.6,1970 90027 90026 Jan.26,1971 90027 90024 90017 90026 1982 90027 90026 Jan.25,1982 90027 90026 Feb.12,1983 90027 90024 90017 90026 1994 90027 90026 Feb.10,1994 90027 90026 Jan.30,1995 90027 90024 90017 90026 2006 90027 90026 Jan.29,2006 90027 90026 Feb.17,2007 90027 90024 90017 90026 2018 90027 90026 Feb.16,2018 90027 90026 Feb.4,2019 90027 90024 90017 90026 2030 90027 90026 Feb.3,2030 90027 90026 Jan.22,2031 90027 90024 90105 90106 90107 Lucky Signs for People Born in Dog Year: 90108 90003 90110 90111 90004 90107 Lucky Things for Dogs: 90108 Lucky Numbers : 3, 4, 9 90008 Lucky Colors: green, red, purple 90008 Lucky Flowers: rose, oncidium, cymbidium orchids 90008 Lucky Directions: east, southeast, south 90008 90107 Things Should be Avoided: 90108 Unlucky Numbers: 1, 6, 7 90008 Unlucky Colors: blue, white, golden 90008 Unlucky Direction: north, west
90003 90107 Personality: Dogs are honest, loyal, reliable, and quick-witted.90108 90004 The biggest characteristics of Dogs are loyalty and honesty. In fact, Dog people are cautious by nature, which means it may take a comparably long time for Dogs to accept new friends. However, once Dogs accept a friend, they will be very loyal to the friends and always be supportive. Dogs are loyal friends, honest lovers and reliable families. 90003 Though being just and honest, Dogs are also very critical and sometimes make a sharp criticism. They are not good at taking the whole picture to consider things, which may lead to misunderstanding and blame their own mistakes on others.90008 90004 90130 90131 90132 Strengths 90133 90008 Brave, loyal, responsible, clever, lively 90135 90131 90132 Weaknesses 90133 90008 Sensitive, conservative, stubborn, emotional 90135 90131 90132 Dog Men: 90133 Men born in the year of the Dog are observant and straightforward. The outgoing characteristics always make them popular among friends and colleagues. However, they may feel sensitive inside and can not stand any ambiguity. The stubbornness endows them the ability to march forward courageously and never give up easily.90135 90131 90132 Dog Women: 90133 Women in the year of the Dog are very cautious. It is hard for them to trust anyone easily but they will try their best to help trusted friends. And they care about their families deeply. Sometimes they may be a little sensitive, especially when enraged. But in most time, they care about others ‘feelings and are adept at working with people. 90135 90149 90003 90151 Personality by Five Elements: Which Type of ‘Dog’ Are You? 90152 90004 90003 Based on 5 basic elements, people born in different years of Dog show diverse traits and horoscope.See what kind of Dogs you are. 90004 90156 90016 90017 90018 Types 90019 90018 Years of Birth 90019 90018 Personality Traits 90019 90024 90017 90026 Wood Dog 90027 90026 1934, 1994 90027 90026 Honest, reliable, considerate, having a strong feeling for justice. 90027 90024 90017 90026 Fire Dog 90027 90026 1946, 2006 90027 90026 Kind-hearted, cautious, working in a down-to-earth way. 90027 90024 90017 90026 Earth Dog 90027 90026 1958, 2018 90027 90026 Persistent, meticulously attentive, with good fortune in wealth.90027 90024 90017 90026 Metal Dog 90027 90026 1910, 1970 90027 90026 Conservative, accommodating, strong sense of self-respect. 90027 90024 90017 90026 Water Dog 90027 90026 1922, 1982 90027 90026 Foresighted, responsible, but some self-centered. 90027 90024 90105 90106 90003 90151 Dog’s Personality by Blood Types 90152 90004 90003 90107 Love Compatibility of the Dog 90108 90004 The Chinese zodiac can not only tell you about the personality but can also predict the love compatibility in some way.Fill in your partner’s name and birthday, and test if you find your soulmate. 90008 90130 90131 90132 Best Matches: Rabbit 90133 90008 Rabbits have the best love compatibility with Dogs. And Dogs are easily attracted by them as Rabbits are always gentle and considerate. Compared to Dogs, they care more about the details. Dogs and Rabbits just complement each other when they make up a family. 90135 90131 90132 Bad Matches: Dragon, Sheep, Rooster 90133 90008 Different personalities cause many conflicts in their daily life when dogs get along with Dragons, Sheep, or Roosters.It may be a little hard for them to have smooth communication and share inner true feelings when dating with people of these three signs. 90135 90131 90132 How to Get along with Dogs 90133 90008 Most Dogs are not good at expressing, which sometimes makes it difficult for others to feel their passion. So if you are too hasty and aggressive, they may not feel so comfortable. Dogs tend to be more thoughtful when being in a relationship so it is suggested to create a romantic environment and carefully arrange your date when getting along with Dogs.Also, remember to be genuine as Dogs hate all the cheats and betrayals. 90135 90131 Read more: 90008 Love Compatibility of the Dog 90008 Chinese Zodiac Sign Compatibility: for All 12 Signs 90135 90149 90130 90131 90132 Best Jobs: 90133 Lawyers, judges, teachers, doctors, civil servants, programmers, advertising planners, bloggers … 90008 Dogs are always observant and have a strong sense of justice, so that they can quickly pick up useful information from the daily lives. The characteristics make Dogs suitable to do jobs like lawyers and judges.As Dogs are straightforward, they like to work with people face to face so that they can go straight to the point. Jobs like teachers and doctors are also their favorite. What’s more, the persistence of dogs makes them try their best in work, qualified to do competitive jobs like civil servants, programmers, bloggers and advertising planners. 90135 90131 Read more: 90008 Dog’s Best Jobs and Working Partners 90008 Dog’s Best Business and Career Fields 90135 90149 Dogs ‘health do not have large problems and keep a stable status as always because most of the Dogs are active at sports and seem to be resilient to diseases.Some small illnesses like colds, coughs, headaches and slight wounds may occur but can not strike Dogs down. 90003 However, be careful about flus and pulmonary diseases, especially in autumn and early winter, as they just seem like common colds. Timely medical treatment and regular exercises are necessary. Stresses come from overwork may also cause indisposition. Doing some simple exercises after work like yoga, running, or bikes can boost immunity. Running a short-distance Marathon will also be an ideal option to keep fit and healthy.90004 90003 For Dogs, 2020 is a lucky year but also full of challenges. Dogs may encounter some difficulties in the first half year in career. However, in the next half year, they may get success in work and get the appreciation from a higher-up. Do not give up any chance and make a full preparation. In the financial aspect, this year is not a so good year for Dogs to invest. They may face financial difficulties in the first several months, but things will become positive in late 2020 as long as avoiding any risky investments.Dogs will also see a good fortune in the love relationship and they have a high possibility to find true love this year. For married Dogs, they may welcome a child. 90004 90253 90132 Career: 90133 They will meet troubles in career, but new opportunities will appear in the second-half year. Be ready for chances and you will be paid off by the hard work and extra effort. 90003 90132 Wealth: 90133 Be more careful about your investment and avoid high risky financial programs. Though Dogs will spend a lot of money in January, they will see a financial growth in the last two quarters.Remember not to be anyone’s guarantor. 90004 90003 90132 Relationships: 90133 Dogs have good luck in relationships in 2020 and have more contact with the opposite sex. You may find your soulmate in some large activities. Do not miss any chance to take the initiative. February and April in the lunar calendar will be the best months for Dogs. 90008 90008 90132 Education: 90133 Dogs may not perform well in the study this year and will meet many problems. To improve the grade, Dogs need extra effort and to be hard-working.Make sure to study hard even during the holidays. 90004 90003 90132 Health: 90133 The busy work of the Rat Year may bring you some small diseases like headaches and disarrange the stomach. Proper diet is important. Also, try to avoid overwork and keep doing exercises. 90004 90003 Read More: 90008 Dog Horoscope in 2020 90008 Lucky Prediction by Month 2020 90004 90003 90107 Famous People: Dog Zodiac Eminent Personalities 90108 90004 90003 Stan Lee: December 28, 1922, Water Dog 90008 Donald Trump: June 14, 1946, Fire Dog 90008 Michael Jackson: August 29, 1958, Earth Dog 90008 Madonna: August 16, 1958, Earth Dog 90008 Kim Jong-un: January 8, 1983, Water Dog 90008 Justin Bieber: March 1, 1994, Wood Dog 90004 90008 You May Like 90132: 90133 90008 Chinese Zodiac 90008 Calculator: What is My Chinese Zodiac? 90008 What and when is Ben Ming Nian?

90003 — Last modified on Jun.09, 2020 року — 90004

.90000 Chinese Horoscope Signs — What is my zodiac sign by date of birth? 90001 90002 In the Chinese astrology are 90003 12 Chinese zodiac animals 90004 (rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig) used to represent years and five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, and water). 90005 90006 90002 The same chinese animal sign and element combinations recur only every 60 years. 90006 90009 90002 90003 Read 90004 🔥: 90003 Chinese Horoscope 2020 90004 — (Year of the Metal Rat) for every chinese zodiac sign 90006 90016 90002 According to the chinese horoscope, the animal ruling a person birth year has a great influence on personality, and destiny.90006 90002 China and other many Chinese communities around the world use the Chinese calendar, a lunisolar calendar for determine important festival dates, such as Chinese New Year. 90006 90002 Chart below gives the animal for birth year. Example. Born 1985- OX. Then you can read Learn more about your chinese animal sign. 90006 90002 Find a friend, family member or co-worker’s sign to see how well you match … have fun !!! 90006 90002 In 2020 року, Chinese New Year begins on 90003 Saturday, Jan.25 90004 and ends 12th February 2 021 (when 90003 Year of the Ox 90004 starts.) 90006 90002 If you want find your chinese zodiac animal you must enter your date of birth (year, month, day) in our 90003 free chinese sign calculator 90004 : 90005 90006 90036 Calculate your Western and Chinese Astrological Signs 90037 90038 90039 90040 90041 1912 — RAT 90005 1913 — OX 90005 1914 — TIGER 90005 1915 — RABBIT 90005 1916 — DRAGON 90005 1917 — SNAKE 90005 1918 — HORSE 90005 1919 — SHEEP 90005 1920 — MONKEY 90005 1921 — ROOSTER 90005 1922 — DOG 90005 1923 — PIG 90005 1924 — RAT 90005 1925 — OX 90005 1926- TIGER 90005 1927 — RABBIT 90005 1928 — DRAGON 90005 1929 — SNAKE 90005 1930 — HORSE 90005 1931- SHEEP 90005 1932 — MONKEY 90005 1933 — ROOSTER 90005 1934 — DOG 90005 1935 — PIG 90005 1936 — RAT 90005 1937 — OX 90005 1938 — TIGER 90005 1939 — RABBIT 90005 1940 — DRAGON 90005 1941 SNAKE 90005 1942 — HORSE 90005 1943 — SHEEP 90005 1944 — MONKEY 90005 1945 — ROOSTER 90005 1946 — DOG 90 005 1947 — PIG 90005 1948 — RAT 90005 1949 — OX 90005 1950 — TIGER 90080 90081 1951 RABBIT 90005 1952 — DRAGON 90005 1953 — SNAKE 90005 1954 — HORSE 90005 1955 — SHEEP 90005 1956 — MONKEY 90005 1957 — ROOSTER 90005 1958 — DOG 90005 1959 — PIG 90005 1960 — RAT 90005 1961 — OX 90005 1962 — TIGER 90005 1963 — RABBIT 90005 1964 — DRAGON 90005 1965 — SNAKE 90005 1966 — HORSE 90005 1967 — SHEEP 90005 196 — MONKEY 90005 1969 — ROOSTER 90005 1970 — DOG 90005 1971 — PIG 90005 1972 — RAT 90005 1973 — OX 90005 1974 — TIGER 90005 1975 — RABBIT 90005 1976 — DRAGON 90005 1977 — SNAKE 90005 1978 — HORSE 90005 1979 — SHEEP 90005 1980 — MONKEY 90005 1981 — ROOSTER 90005 1982 — DOG 90005 1983 — PIG 90005 1984 — RAT 90005 1985 — OX 90005 1986 — TIGER 90005 1987 — RABBIT 90005 1988 — DRAGON 90005 1989 — SNAKE 90080 90121 1990 HORSE 90005 1991 — SHEEP 90005 1992 — MONKEY 90005 1993 — ROOSTER 90005 1994 — DOG 90005 1995 — PIG 90005 1996 — RAT 90005 1997 — OX 90005 1998 — TIGER 90005 1999 — RABBIT 90005 2000 — DRAGON 90005 2001 — SNAKE 90005 2002 — HORSE 90005 2003 — SHEEP 90005 2004 — MONKEY 90005 2005 — ROOSTER 90005 2006 — DOG 90005 2007 — PIG 90005 Рік випуску 2008 — RAT 90005 2009 — OX 90005 2010 — TIGER 90005 2011 — RABBIT 90005 2012 — DRAGON 90005 2013 — SNAKE 90005 2014 — HORSE 90005 2015 — SHEEP 90005 2016 — MONKEY 90005 2017 — ROOSTER 90005 2018 — DOG 90005 2019 — PIG 90005 2020 — RAT 90005 2021 — OX 90005 2022 — TIGER 90005 2023 — RABBIT 90005 2024 — DRAGON 90005 2025 — SNAKE 90005 2026 — HORSE 90005 2027 — SHEEP 90005 2028 — MONKEY 90080 90161 90162 90163 90164 RAT 90165 90002 90005 Charming and sociable, but a cool cookie.The Rat is comfortable within groups of people, and work well with the public. They are creative and quite smart. 90006 90002 They grasp situations quickly and pay attention to details. They take advantage of opportunity, and move towards their mark, but since they can not resist the chance to move quickly; sometimes they can overstep their boundaries and take on too much at one time. 90006 90002 They are passionate lovers; and their feelings are true. They are dedicated to their friends and give heartfelt advice and comfort.90006 90164 OX 90165 Ox years: 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997. 2009 90002 The Ox is study and plows the fields alone. They are independent workers and dedicated for the long haul. 90006 90002 They can be loners. Social gatherings are more dutiful than needed. 90006 90002 Family structure is important to the ox. Values ​​and morals are taught. They cherish their private lives and homestead. 90006 90002 The Ox is not usually adventurous. They enjoy their leisure time after the long day; working in their yards, and on projects away from the crowds.90005 Not the most romantic, but very faithful. 90006 90164 TIGER 90165 Tiger years: 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998. 2010 90002 Tigers are passionate, strong, swift, and courageous. They love their freedom and do not do well when stripped of their independence. 90006 90002 They can be quite dominate, and need to feel powerful. Not one that is afraid of meeting a situation head-on. 90006 90002 They can be restless, and need challenges to keep them happy and healthy. 90006 90002 Tigers make excellent friends and long lasting relationships if given their freedom.90005 They are flirts, but committed to their partners. Parenting is a privilege. 90006 90164 RABBIT 90165 Rabbit years: 1927 1939 1951 1963 1975, 1987, 1999 року, 2011 90002 The peaceful little bunny. Usually keeping out of the fight, and at times turning a blind eye to dispute. 90005 Diplomatic, gentle, emotional and sentimental. 90006 90002 They can at times seem rather selfish as they enjoy their own garden. However, they are very sensitive and can be hurt rather easily. 90006 90002 The Rabbit can assess a situation and usually come up with the best stradegy.They are innovative and shrewd. 90006 90002 Emotionally based they make tender partners, and seek out a match that offers the same; as well as security. 90006 90164 DRAGON 90165 Dragon Years: 1928 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000., 2012 90002 The dragon is an exceptional sign. Proud, assertive, intelligent, and strong. 90005 However, the other side of the Dragon can be pushy, impulsive, and intolerant. 90006 90002 They breath fire in every direction; for both good and bad. They attract the positive and the attention, and stir up energy !! 90006 90002 They make the point, and make it well, but sometimes lack consultation when needed.90006 90002 Dedicated workers, and great companions … .In for the long haul !!! 90006 90164 SNAKE 90165 90002 This sign can remain still for a long time before it strikes. They know what they want and when they want it. 90006 Snake Years: 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001., 2013 90002 They proceed at their own pace, which can be mis-understood. 90005 They often shed their skins taking and venturing onto something completely new. 90006 90002 They are great at showing off their social side, but tend to enjoy being left alone to evaluate the situation.90006 90002 They are elegant and refined, passionate, sleek and sexy; but can be jealous and possessive if their rock is overturned on too many occasions. 90006 90164 HORSE 90165 90002 90006 90002 These people are usually popular, mentally alert, good workers, straight forward and honest. 90006 90002 They seek the challenge; strive for success; in search for freedom. They can gallop off in search of these things. 90006 90002 They do not tire easily, but can shy away if they feel they are being put in their pen too often, and then the open field is too tempting to not run towards.90006 90002 When they find a partner they are dedicated, and at times can loose their heads in the way of romance; and often make mistakes while finding the right partner. 90006 90164 SHEEP (GOAT) 90165 Goat Years: 1931 1943 року, 1955, 1967 1979, 1991 року, 2003 2015) 90002 The sheep (called the Goat at times) go at their own pace. They do not like being rushed or put on the spot. 90005 They are charming, yet hold back their emotions. 90006 90002 Lovers of nature and the arts. 90005 They appreciate and need stability and prefer to have people oriented professions.90006 90002 Well mannered and a bit shy, but readily will lend an ear to a friend. 90005 The Sheep can be easily hurt and can become upset if deceived. 90005 Dedicated to marriage and a friend !! 90006 90164 MONKEY 90165 Monkey Years: 1932 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016) 90002 Witty, clever, inventive, and crafty; and can be a bit of a tease. 90005 These people adapt well with situations and are quick on their feet. 90006 90002 They have the «gift of gab», are original and lively.Many people feel that the Monkey is intimidating and may shy away, but soon the attraction is made. 90005 The Monkey has many interests which makes them always fit in somewhere. 90006 90002 Not the nine to five type person though; the Monkey needs freedom and a partner that keeps them stimulated. 90006 90164 ROOSTER 90165 Rooster Years: 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005 2017) 90002 These people like to strut their feathers. They are flamboyant, and have no hesitation in speaking up when they feel like it.90005 They are dedicated hard workers, but not fond of repetition. 90006 90002 They enjoy social gatherings and love to put on their best show, as they enjoy being the center of attraction, and their style and charm usually makes that quite possible. 90006 90002 They usually attract a wide variety of mates before settling down with just one; but once they find that perfect match they are dedicated to their partners and make great parents. 90006 90164 DOG 90165 Dog Years: 1934 1946 1958 1970, 1982, 1994 2006, 2018 90002 The happy cheerful pup..dedicated and honest. 90005 These people have a great sense of justice and fair play. They are loyal and always on alert. 90006 90002 Being that they usually have a watchful eye, many are prone to worry too much. 90006 90002 When hurt or deceived they tend to gnaw at the details. But, eventually they pull it together and move forward with a playful gate. 90006 90002 Dog people can have a bit of a temper, but their bark is worse than their bite. 90005 They are dedicated to companionship and and are faithful for life.90006 90164 PIG 90165 Pig Years: 1935 1947 1959 1971, 1983, 1995 року, 2007, 2019 90002 Pig people are honest, kind, generous and funny. 90005 They have a great sense of humor and love to wallop in the mud. 90006 90002 They love their homes and are quite content keeping house. 90005 They are steady, patient, and great at organizing both their jobs, money, and family life. 90006 90002 They are trustworthy and warm. They enjoy a good friend, good food, good sex, good book, and just plain enjoy life.90005 Their day is their play pen and they enjoy the moment !! 90006.

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